Today in Design - Top Articles RoundUp 23 October 2014

The day’s best and most impor­tant design- and design business-focused arti­cles, tuto­ri­als, and resources hand-picked by Pariah Burke.

  • What 12 Super-Successful People Wish They Knew At 22
    Over 60 thought lead­ers shared orig­i­nal posts–along with pic­tures of them­selves at 22–filled with pearls of wis­dom for new grads based on what they wish they had known at 22. Here’s what 12 super-successful peo­ple had to say.
  • How to Apply Lateral Thinking to Your Creative Work

    Pretend that you’re trapped in a mag­i­cal room with only two exits. Through the first exit is a room made from a giant mag­ni­fy­ing glass, and the blaz­ing hot sun will fry you to death. Through the sec­ond door is a room with a fire-breathing drag­on. Which do you go through?

    The first door, of course. Simply wait until the sun goes down. 

  • Self-Publishers Should Not Be Called Authors, says Michael Kozlowski

    Just because its easy to upload your writ­ten word, so that it can be down­loaded to anoth­er machine does not make you an author, any more than me buy­ing a stetho­scope allows me to be called a doc­tor. A “singer” is some­one who sings. A “pro­fes­sion­al singer” is some­one who makes a liv­ing from singing. There is a stark con­trast between being a writer and being a pro­fes­sion­al author. Many indie writ­ers who pub­lish a title or two on Amazon or Smashwords nor­mal­ly think oth­er­wise. They wear the title as an author as a badge of honor.


  • The Public Library Wants To Be Your Office

    Shoving books aside to cre­ate community-centered cowork­ing spaces doesn’t sit well with some library loyalists.

  • What is flat design and should you use it

    Let’s take a thor­ough look at what flat design isand why it’s so pop­u­lar today.

  • How to Design and Create a Clean, Organized Desktop
    Here’s how to design and cre­ate an attrac­tive desk­top with built-in orga­ni­za­tion to keep your work­space nice, clean, and pro­duc­tive with min­i­mal effort.