Today in Design - Top Articles RoundUp 27 August 2014

Great con­tent found by Pariah and shared to the design and cre­ative com­mu­ni­ties on social media.

  • Free Photoshop plu­g­in lets you col­lab­o­rate on designs inside Photoshop

    Wouldn’t it be cool if you could just have a live online meet­ing and also be able to tweak the design in real-time while dis­cussing the design with the client?

    And what if you were able to do it right from inside your favorite graph­ics edi­tor, Photoshop?

  • Tips for Working with the Gradient Mesh Tool In Illustrator
    “In this tuto­r­i­al, we’ll show you some tips that will improve your Mesh work. We’ll also show you a prop­er work­flow to get out­stand­ing results with this tool. We’ll take a close look at cre­at­ing a lay­er with­in the detailed file of a meshed boot…
  • 52-Minute Work, 17-Minute Break is the Ideal Productivity Schedule
    Analyzing the time-tracking app DeskTime showed that the most pro­duc­tive 10% of users take these strate­gic breaks after work­ing intent­ly for a while. However, the blog has­n’t released data on the size and sam­ple of their study. Here’s what the…
  • Cisco Developing Cloud-Based Virtual Meeting Rooms

    Sixty-six per­cent of the 200 event orga­niz­ers who par­tic­i­pat­ed in Meeting Professionals International’s second-quarter Meetings Outlook sur­vey this year indi­cat­ed they expect­ed a year-over-year increase in vir­tu­al atten­dance, and more than half of the respon­dents indi­cat­ed their orga­ni­za­tions were using vir­tu­al and hybrid tech­nol­o­gy to enhance in-person meet­ings or incor­po­rate onsite and remote event elements. 

  • Interrupt Your Sleep Cycle to Generate More Creative Ideas

    By jolt­ing one­self awake ear­li­er than usu­al, Brande con­tend­ed, the cre­ative juices could flow with­out the edi­tor being awake enough to inter­fere with things. Quite why the edi­tor would find it hard­er to strug­gle to wake­ful­ness was nev­er ful­ly explained – but Ms. Brande obvi­ous­ly believed this to be the case, and my own expe­ri­ence seems to bear her out.

  • Three Basic Design Principles Everyone Can Use in Everyday Life
    Our brains make thou­sands of sub­con­scious cor­re­la­tions like this in our ear­ly life­time. For that rea­son, prin­ci­ples of design can be trans­ferred to dif­fer­ent areas of life, even if you don’t fan­cy your­self an artist, every­one can use these idea…
  • Cage Match! Stock Photography Sites Go Head-to-head

    There are a lot of decent stock image sites out there, and we may very well review oth­ers in future posts, but for now we’re going to be look­ing at some of the most used. We’ll give them each a rat­ing based on each site’s strengths and weak­ness­es, scor­ing between 1–5.

  • Inside Your Social Media Posts’ Invisible Audience

    Meet social media’s invis­i­ble audience—and the inevitable ques­tions that this crowd elicits.