Today in Design - Top Articles RoundUp 27 March 2015

The day’s best and most impor­tant design- and design business-focused arti­cles, tuto­ri­als, and resources hand-picked by Pariah Burke.

  • Anti-Intellectualism and the “Dumbing Down” of America
    There is a grow­ing and dis­turb­ing trend of anti-intellectual elit­ism in American cul­ture. It’s the dis­missal of sci­ence, the arts, and human­i­ties and their replace­ment by enter­tain­ment, self-righteousness, igno­rance, and delib­er­ate gullibility.
  • 5 Hugely Profitable Multiplatform Sponsorship Advertising Models

    Multiplatform pub­lish­ers can gen­er­ate rev­enue from users, from spon­sors, or both. Consumer-focused por­tals that are sponsorship-based ask users to pay – not with mon­ey, but with time and infor­ma­tion. They spend time view­ing web pages and sign­ing up for email feeds, thus cre­at­ing adver­tis­ing inven­to­ry that can be used to sell the publisher’s prod­ucts (inter­nal adver­tis­ing) and/or sold to third-party spon­sors (exter­nal adver­tis­ing) on a CPM, CPC, CPA, or SEA basis.

    There are five unique ways a pub­lish­er makes mon­ey through spon­sor­ship adver­tis­ing, although they’re some­times mixed and matched:


    • 5 Overlooked Tax Deductions for Small-Business Owners
      Failing to claim all the tax deduc­tions you’re enti­tled to is like flush­ing mon­ey down the toi­let. As small-business own­ers pre­pare their tax­es this year, it’s impor­tant they don’t miss any of these most com­mon­ly over­looked tax deduc­tions, to avoid pay­ing more mon­ey to Uncle Sam than necessary.


    • CNN Adopts Adobe Anywhere
      TVTechnology CNN recently
      announced that it
      has adopt­ed Adobe
      Systems’ new collaborative
      work­flow platform,
      Adobe Anywhere,
      as the cen­tral key to
      upgrad­ing its entire international
      jour­nal­ism edit­ing and
      dis­tri­b­u­tion approach.


    • Amazon Announces Unlimited Cloud Photo Storage for Just $1 Per Month
      The new Unlimited Everything and Unlimited Photos plans sets a new bar of afford­abil­i­ty in the data stor­age space. Dropbox, Microsoft, and Google cur­rent­ly only offer 1TB of space for $99, $84, and $100 per year, respec­tive­ly. Amazon is now remov­ing t…
    • 15 RSS feeds EVERY free­lancer needs to be sub­scribed to
      Not all web­sites are cre­at­ed equal. Some are more impor­tant for your busi­ness than oth­ers and today I want to show­case some web­sites that I believe are mustTags: Freelance free­lanc­ing freelancer
    • 5 Golden Tips for Creating Fullscreen Website Backgrounds
      Big is beau­ti­ful. But before you go fullscreen, you bet­ter go over these web design tips.
      But in order to reach the right effect with a fullscreen back­ground, you’ll need to do more than just upload a nice pho­to. In fact, if you don’t pay atten­tion to a few impor­tant guide­lines, your fullscreen back­ground may end up caus­ing you some full-blown trouble.


    • The Surprising Benefits (and Pitfalls) of Being a “Jack of All Trades”
      People look down on the multitalented–even the phrase “Jack of all trades, mas­ter of none” has a bit of a neg­a­tive caveat. But there are a lot hid­den perks that come with being a Jack. These are the best rea­sons you might want to recon­sid­er the notio…
    • How To Create Your Own Extensions For Your iPhone & iPad
      Want to cre­ate your own iOS exten­sions? Meet Workflow ($1.99), a pro­duc­tiv­i­ty app that opens many of the plat­for­m’s pre­vi­ous­ly closed doors.Tags: iOS
    • Find a Ton of Beautiful Free Stock Photos on This Site

      This is not your typ­i­cal crap­py stock pho­to site,” declares the site’s about page. Judging by StockSnap’s user-friendly design that makes it extreme­ly easy to find the per­fect free stock pho­to, I’ll have to agree with that claim.


    • 11 Ways I’ve Made Money in the Last 8 Years, From Illustrator to Consultant

      They are in chrono­log­i­cal order, with one of the ear­li­est finan­cial suc­cess­es for me, first. Not all have been con­sis­tent income sources and I have not includ­ed all the ways I’ve earned mon­ey in the past.
