Today in Design - Top Articles RoundUp 29 January 2015

The day’s best and most impor­tant design- and design business-focused arti­cles, tuto­ri­als, and resources hand-picked by Pariah Burke.

  • Look, No Hands: Watch These Amazing Videos Of A Designer Who Draws With Her Nose
    After work­ing so much that she got repet­i­tive stress injuries in her hands and arms, she turned to a more unlike­ly body part— a solu­tion that’s both incred­i­bly cre­ative and a sad com­men­tary on how much we work.
    After work­ing so much that she got repet­i­tive stress injuries in her hands and arms, she turned to a more unlike­ly body part— a solu­tion that’s both incred­i­bly cre­ative and a sad com­men­tary on how much we work.
    After work­ing so much that she got repet­i­tive stress injuries in her hands and arms, she turned to a more unlike­ly body part— a solu­tion that’s both incred­i­bly cre­ative and a sad com­men­tary on how much we work.
    After work­ing so much that she got repet­i­tive stress injuries in her hands and arms, she turned to a more unlike­ly body part— a solu­tion that’s both incred­i­bly cre­ative and a sad com­men­tary on how much we work.
    After work­ing so much that she got repet­i­tive stress injuries in her hands and arms, she turned to a more unlike­ly body part— a solu­tion that’s both incred­i­bly cre­ative and a sad com­men­tary on how much we work.


  • How to design engag­ing dig­i­tal prod­ucts for kids
    Whether it’s an edu­ca­tion­al site, app or a phys­i­cal prod­uct, you can help kids engage with your work by fol­low­ing some sim­ple rules.
  • Tips for Increasing Shopping Cart and Checkout Conversions
    Many of the sales are lost or cap­tured based on what hap­pens when online shop­pers reach the shop­ping cart. Their fea­tures make the dif­fer­ence and con­vert a shop­per into a customer.Tags: ecommerce
  • The year agile, DevOps and Continuous Delivery took over the life cycle – SD Times
    CD, DevOps and agile allowed com­pa­nies to pro­duce faster while main­tain­ing a lev­el of qual­i­ty assurance
  • 50 Alternative and Unique Ways to Using WordPress

    If you have an idea for a web­site, there’s a plu­g­in or theme for that.” This real­ly should be how WordPress adver­tis­es them­selves. If you can think up a web­site idea then you can prob­a­bly cre­ate it using WordPress.

    What will you get out of this guide? If you are hav­ing trou­ble find­ing the right topic/niche for your web­site, or sim­ply want to know some of the oth­er uses for WordPress, this guide is here to help.

  • 12 Publishing And Marketing Predictions For 2015
    A look at where I think pub­lish­ing, self-publishing, and mar­ket­ing are head­ed in the new year. 12 pub­lish­ing and mar­ket­ing pre­dic­tions for 2015.
  • The 2015 CMYK Manifesto: Invest In The Future Of Print
    Deborah Corn sets a strate­gic mis­sion for Print in 2015 with this ranty, opin­ion­at­ed and pas­sion­ate dec­la­ra­tion to the industry.Tags: Print Print Design PrintChat
  • The 2015 CMYK Manifesto: Invest In The Future Of Print
    Deborah Corn sets a strate­gic mis­sion for Print in 2015 with this ranty, opin­ion­at­ed and pas­sion­ate dec­la­ra­tion to the industry.Tags: Print Print Design PrintChat
  • How to Deal with Someone Who Constantly Rambles
    A good con­ver­sa­tion is all about the back-and-forth; both par­ties lis­ten­ing and respond­ing. If you’re with some­one who tends to ram­ble on and on, how­ev­er, that dia­logue turns into a mono­logue. Here are a few tips for deal­ing with a Chatty Kathy or Mr.…
  • Applying Donald Norman’s Classic Design Principles for Modern Web Design
    HOW takes key design prin­ci­ples from Donald Norman’s water­shed book and applies them to mod­ern web design. Keep read­ing, it’s clutch.