The day’s best and most important design- and design business-focused articles, tutorials, and resources hand-picked by Pariah Burke.
- Use your design skills to make your city better
How are you using your design skills to make your city better? For most of us, the answer is‚ “I’m not, really, but I would if I could.” Many designers entered this field in order to make the world a better place, but most are stuck working on commercial projects with relatively narrow impact. I believe that one of the best things designers can do to reconnect to a sense of purpose is get involved in the emerging civic technology movement.
- 6 Tips for Understanding Colour Theory
Rob Redman shares his guide to understanding colour and how it can help viewers grasp the subtleties of your work.
- People Went Crazy When Steve Jobs Demonstrated How WiFi Works Back In 1999 [VIDEO]
Today, Wi-Fi isn’t just considered the standard — it’s a necessity for most people. But that wasn’t always the case, and it certainly wasn’t in 1999.
- Marvel Adds Digital Comics to Kobo Catalog as Fixed-Layout eBooks
Marvel adds many of its most popular digital comics to Kobo’s content library, in a deal a Kobo spokesperson says encompasses more than 250 fixed-layout illustrated ebooks.
- 5 Action Steps For Curing Your Inbox Zero Email Frenzy
All this focus on clearing your inbox, on achieving, the elusive, Inbox Zero, misses two of the fundamental problems with email overload. To truly solve your email issues you need to go beyond Inbox Zero and address the underlying problems:
- Use the 10-Folder System to Organize All Your Paper Clutter
Clutter can do a number on your brain, so it’s best to organize and sort it all. The StoneGable Blog recommends a 10-folder system that gets all your papers in order so that you’re never left wondering, “Now where did I keep that?”