Today in Design - Top Articles RoundUp 29 October 2014

The day’s best and most impor­tant design- and design business-focused arti­cles, tuto­ri­als, and resources hand-picked by Pariah Burke.

  • Use your design skills to make your city better

    How are you using your design skills to make your city bet­ter? For most of us, the answer is‚ “I’m not, real­ly, but I would if I could.” Many design­ers entered this field in order to make the world a bet­ter place, but most are stuck work­ing on com­mer­cial projects with rel­a­tive­ly nar­row impact. I believe that one of the best things design­ers can do to recon­nect to a sense of pur­pose is get involved in the emerg­ing civic tech­nol­o­gy movement.

  • 6 Tips for Understanding Colour Theory
    Rob Redman shares his guide to under­stand­ing colour and how it can help view­ers grasp the sub­tleties of your work.
  • People Went Crazy When Steve Jobs Demonstrated How WiFi Works Back In 1999 [VIDEO]

    Today, Wi-Fi isn’t just con­sid­ered the stan­dard — it’s a neces­si­ty for most peo­ple. But that was­n’t always the case, and it cer­tain­ly was­n’t in 1999.

  • Marvel Adds Digital Comics to Kobo Catalog as Fixed-Layout eBooks

    Marvel adds many of its most pop­u­lar dig­i­tal comics to Kobo’s con­tent library, in a deal a Kobo spokesper­son says encom­pass­es more than 250 fixed-layout illus­trat­ed ebooks.

  • 5 Action Steps For Curing Your Inbox Zero Email Frenzy
    All this focus on clear­ing your inbox, on achiev­ing, the elu­sive, Inbox Zero, miss­es two of the fun­da­men­tal prob­lems with email over­load. To tru­ly solve your email issues you need to go beyond Inbox Zero and address the under­ly­ing problems:

  • Use the 10-Folder System to Organize All Your Paper Clutter
    Clutter can do a num­ber on your brain, so it’s best to orga­nize and sort it all. The StoneGable Blog rec­om­mends a 10-folder sys­tem that gets all your papers in order so that you’re nev­er left won­der­ing, “Now where did I keep that?”