Today in Design - Top Articles RoundUp 5 February 2015

The day’s best and most impor­tant design- and design business-focused arti­cles, tuto­ri­als, and resources hand-picked by Pariah Burke.

  • 10 Awesome HTML5 Canvas Examples

    Canvas is a great fea­ture in HTML5 that allows us to draw graph­ics on web browsers using JavaScript. For instance, it can be used to manip­u­late pho­tos, draw and ani­mate shapes, play videos or ren­ders hardware-accelerated 3D graph­ics with WebGL sup­port! Sky’s the lim­it. But it has also been used to make real­ly awe­some dig­i­tal arts by pros… In past few months I have encoun­tered many great exam­ples of HTMl5 can­vas, and today I am going to list some of them here for you to enjoy.


  • Design 101: The Pros and Cons of Photoshop, Illustrator & InDesign [Infographic]
    We want to start with the basics of the “Suite” three, Photoshop, Illustrator and InDesign. What are each pro­grams strengths and weak­ness? We want you to be a “Suite” three pro!Tags: Design101 CreativeCloud
  • Typographically-Correct Strokes in Illustrator [Video]
    If you just add a Stroke to type in Adobe Illustrator, the Stroke will be in front of the let­ter­forms, which makes an ugly mess of the type and dri­ves typog­ra­phers crazy. In this tuto­r­i­al, Adobe Certified Instructor Jeff Witchel reveals some tips and tricks as well as secret 


  • Bulletproof Coffee: Debunking the Hot Buttered Hype
    People are putting but­ter in their cof­fee. And hey, if you’re just crav­ing a new fla­vor expe­ri­ence, more pow­er to you. The prob­lem is that Bulletproof Coffee, the com­pa­ny behind the trend, is claim­ing that drink­ing a mug of fat­ty joe every morn­ing instead of eat­ing break­fast is a secret short­cut to weight loss and men­tal super­pow­ers, and now the but­ter cof­fee has devel­oped a cult of high­ly caf­feinat­ed, shiny-lipped adherents.
    Bottom line: It’s almost cer­tain­ly a bad idea. Ultimately, it seems to me that Bulletproof Coffee is a scheme to get you to buy some very expen­sive mag­ic beans. There are bet­ter ways to get healthy, and there are tasti­er was to drink cof­fee that don’t involve coat­ing the inside of your blender with but­ter every morn­ing. Keep it bal­anced, folks.


  • How to Stay Focused and Engaged in Long Meetings
    Meetings are an inevitable part of the job for many peo­ple, and some­times you know you’re going into a meet­ing that will drag on and on. How do you pre­pare your­self to be engaged and alert? Here’s a few of meth­ods to sur­vive those long haul meetings.
  • Why Cards Are the Future of the Web

    The aggre­ga­tion depends on:

    • The per­son con­sum­ing the con­tent and their inter­ests, pref­er­ences, behaviour.
    • Their loca­tion and envi­ron­men­tal context.
    • Their friends’ inter­ests, pref­er­ences and behaviour.
    • The tar­get­ing adver­tis­ing eco-system.


  • Your Totally Complete Guide to Customizing the WordPress Post Editor
    But there is anoth­er option. You can use plu­g­ins or cre­ate your own code. Through using plu­g­ins or by cod­ing by hand, TinyMCE can replaced or mod­i­fied to give you more fea­tures to help you stand out from the crowd.
  • 27 Funny Posters And Charts That Graphic Designers Will Relate To
    So we thought, why not col­late a few good ones into one cool post? Who knows, it might even dri­ve some sense into an unrea­son­able client and make him/her change his/her attitude?