Today in Design - Top Articles RoundUp 7 October 2015

The day’s best and most impor­tant design- and design business-focused arti­cles, tuto­ri­als, and resources hand-picked by Pariah Burke.

  • All Great Writing Boils Down to These 4 Emotional Appeals
    The appeal is the rea­son you give the read­er to read, sub­scribe, donate, share, or buy. Great writ­ers focus on these four emo­tion­al appeals in their copy.Tags: Writing AmWriting
  • 7 Top Authors Talk Twitter Tips and Social Media’s Effects on Literature
    Sometimes, 140 char­ac­ters are all an author needs.
  • Choosing Fonts for Tight Tracking
    Lately, we’ve been devel­op­ing a taste for tight let­terspac­ing. Our clients have been doing the same: design­ers know that tight track­ing is an effec­tive way to make any mes­sage seem more imme­di­ate and ener­getic. But not every type­face is designed for close quar­ters, and the wrong font can ruin the effect. Here are a few things to con­sid­er when set­ting type tightly.
  • For Color Fans: The PANTONE Café Is A Colorful, Vibrant Rainbow-Hued Delight
    PANTONE fans, you have anoth­er color-coded estab­lish­ment to check out, after the PANTONE hotel.

    Located on the prom­e­nade of the Grimaldi…

  • All Great Writing Boils Down to These 4 Emotional Appeals
    The appeal is the rea­son you give the read­er to read, sub­scribe, donate, share, or buy. Great writ­ers focus on these four emo­tion­al appeals in their copy.
  • Do Freelance Writers Need Blogs?

    I chuck­led this morn­ing over the first page results for “Do Freelance Writers Need Blogs?” The answer is clear – you either do need a blog to be a suc­cess­ful free­lance writer, or you don’t, or maybe you do, or maybe you don’t…


  • What are Optotypes? About the his­to­ry of eye charts and their fonts.

    My graph­ic design stu­dents love to design posters using the clas­sic eye chart com­po­si­tion, and they fre­quent­ly ask “What type­face should I use for this?” Not hav­ing a defin­i­tive answer has always been frus­trat­ing, so I decid­ed to inves­ti­gate to find out what type­face is used on eye charts.

  • 45 Cool T‑Shirts For Designers And Creatives
    Show some love to a design­er today by gift­ing him or her one of these cool t‑shirts for a job well done. Even bet­ter, gift these before the project starts
  • Arial, Helvetica or Myriad Pro? Take The Quiz!
    Love fonts? Spend hours look­ing at type options, to the point where the words don’t make sense any­more? If you can tell your Helvetica from your Arial, this quiz is for you. Share your score!
  • Arial, Helvetica or Myriad Pro? Take The Quiz!
    Love fonts? Spend hours look­ing at type options, to the point where the words don’t make sense any­more? If you can tell your Helvetica from your Arial, this quiz is for you. Share your score!
  • The Last Word on Helvetica?

    Helvetica: good, bad, evil?

    Perhaps this arti­cle should have end­ed at the ques­tion mark in its title. And by the end of it, you may well con­cur. However, in the mean­time, and before I get start­ed — and I promise this won’t take long — let me be clear, I am not, I repeat, not (inbold for empha­sis) a Helvetica hater.

  • The Last Word on Helvetica?

    Helvetica: good, bad, evil?

    Perhaps this arti­cle should have end­ed at the ques­tion mark in its title. And by the end of it, you may well con­cur. However, in the mean­time, and before I get start­ed — and I promise this won’t take long — let me be clear, I am not, I repeat, not (inbold for empha­sis) a Helvetica hater.

  • Designers Redesign The ‘Elderly People’ Road Sign To Make It More Positive
    According to them, the cur­rent sign has a deroga­to­ry con­no­ta­tion and implies dis­abil­i­ty and frailty. In an effort reimag­ine the road sign, they have called upon the design com­mu­ni­ty to cre­ate a new warn­ing sign that paints the elder­ly communi…