Today in Design - Top Articles RoundUp 9 June 2014

Great con­tent found by Pariah and shared to the design and cre­ative com­mu­ni­ties on social media.

  • The Definitive Guide to Springpad Alternatives
    If you’re as sad as I am that Springpad is shut­ting down, you’re prob­a­bly look­ing around for alter­na­tives that don’t nec­es­sar­i­ly end in “note.” This spread­sheet, put togeth­er by mem­bers of the Springpad Google+ Community, is packed with alterna…
  • 30 Mind-Blowing Photorealistic Artworks

    These artists were cho­sen because each has the abil­i­ty to cre­ate art­works so real­is­tic that they look like the orig­i­nal pic­tures. There are some crit­ics that only rec­og­nize their tech­nique and skills, say­ing that cre­at­ing stuffs from pho­tos isn’t “true art”. I dis­agree, how about you? 

  • 30 Mind-Blowing Photorealistic Artworks

    These artists were cho­sen because each has the abil­i­ty to cre­ate art­works so real­is­tic that they look like the orig­i­nal pic­tures. There are some crit­ics that only rec­og­nize their tech­nique and skills, say­ing that cre­at­ing stuffs from pho­tos isn’t “true art”. I dis­agree, how about you? 

  • 5 On-Camera Tips to Look Like a Pro on TV
    From tuck­ing your jack­et under your­self to mak­ing a quick fix and sal­ly­ing onward, here are some smart tips for mak­ing the most of your fleet­ing moments in a TV interview.
  • Want to know what oth­er free­lancers charge?
    Something inter­est­ing is start­ing to hap­pen: free­lancers are shar­ing how much they earn.
  • You Can Paint With All The Colors of The Universe In This Stunning Hubble Image
    This new 2014 image (click above to embiggen) is a com­pos­ite of sep­a­rate expo­sures over 824 orbits of tele­scope view­ing time, from 2003 to 2012. It con­tains some­thing like 10,000 galax­ies in it, even ones that go as far back as just a few hundr…
  • How to be More Assertive

    Assertiveness isn’t going to solve all your prob­lems and it’s not appro­pri­ate for every situation—context is key. What it will do, is help you feel more con­fi­dent and com­mu­ni­cate more effec­tive­ly when you need to. Expressing your true self and stick­ing up for your rights is empow­er­ing and it’s some­thing that the major­i­ty of us, should do a lot more.

  • The Platform Wars Have Begun, Says TechCrunch

    When you don’t com­pete on all fronts, you relin­quish part of your end-user expe­ri­ence to a com­peti­tor, and you cede buy-in for your oth­er services.

  • Twitter’s CEO Says You Should Always Pronounce the @ in Twitter Handles, Here’s Why We Think He’s Wrong

    Last month, the Twitter account for On The Media, an NPR-affiliated radio pro­gram and blog devot­ed to dis­cussing cur­rent trends in media cov­er­age, ran a tweet that con­tained the phrase “an @Guardian arti­cle.” Apparently, this usage is sup­posed to be gram­mat­i­cal­ly cor­rect. We still have issues with this idea, and we bet some of you do, too.

  • Personalized TV and Content Marketing

    The Internet is chang­ing the way we watch TV, as well as the way we inter­act with a host of oth­er con­tent. Planning for the future of con­tent con­sump­tion must include con­tent pro­mo­tion, and a per­son­al­ized expe­ri­ence has already become valu­able. What TV view­ers demand now may have a pro­found effect beyond the screen—and mar­keters need to be ready for it.

  • The Golden Age of Helvetica Ends – But Not at Apple.

    Ironically, on Monday Apple announced the next ver­sion of OS X (Yosemite) would drop Lucida Grande — a fix­ture of the OS since 1999 — in favor of Helvetica Neue. 


  • The sur­vival of the news­pa­per in a dig­i­tal age

    Amidst the state­ments of ‘news­pa­pers are dead’ comes an arti­cle from Vanity Fair’s Michael Kinsley, who believes that the news­pa­per will live on for­ev­er. He says there will always be a demand for high-quality news – enough at least to keep a few nation­al news­pa­pers going.

  • It’s Time to Turn Your Back on Amazon

    For the first time since Amazon began, ordi­nary peo­ple are talk­ing about the com­pa­ny not like it’s a mag­i­cal blowjob-dispensing inter­net genie, but like it’s a com­mon play­ground bully.

  • 6 Simple Reasons Why Paper Can Still Be Your Killer Productivity App

    No, it’s not 1960. So, why the hell am I call­ing paper a “killer app”? I mean, this is a tech­nol­o­gy that first came into being in 200AD. That’s almost as old as the Nokia 3310.

  • The Designer’s Guide to Working with SVG – Pt 1

    The real pow­er of SVG becomes clear­er when you’ve got a read­able, manip­u­lat­able doc­u­ment — and not a dense, arcane doc­u­ment eject­ed from a graph­ics app.

    Today, I want to give you a speed guide on the basics of SVG, and how to get files that you can work with. 

  • Posterize Edits with Lightroom 5 by Orchard View Color
    “I stum­bled into this style of pos­ter­ized Lightroom edits after doing a dai­ly pho­to edit for a month and a half. Perhaps I was get­ting a lit­tle bored with my dai­ly edit chal­lenge. From the begin­ning I was hop­ing to dis­cov­er some­thing new…”
  • The 7 Habits of Highly Overrated People

    A lot of peo­ple mis­take activ­i­ty for pro­duc­tiv­i­ty, and you can cap­i­tal­ize on that. If you send one or two emails a day, sum­ma­riz­ing what’s going on with a project in excru­ci­at­ing detail, peo­ple will start to think of you as that vague­ly annoy­ing per­son who has his fin­gers on the pulse all of the time. This is an even bet­ter strat­e­gy if you make the rounds, call­ing and talk­ing to peo­ple to get sta­tus updates as to what they’re doing before send­ing an email. 

  • These 6 Awesome Terminal Commands Will Boost Your MacBook

    You can only cram so much into a graph­i­cal user inter­face before it becomes clut­tered, so it should come as no big sur­prise that you can do some real­ly cool things using the Mac Terminal.
    After you’ve learned the basic Terminal com­mands and geeked out with some fun­ny Terminal east­er eggs, you might won­der what else this slick beau­ty can do for you. 

  • 7 Ideas From Ancient Thinkers To Improve Your Modern Life

    That said, we know there are things that were bet­ter in the past, ideas we can learn from or reclaim.
    What’s inter­est­ing is recent­ly sci­ence and experts have val­i­dat­ed many of the lessons ancient thinkers knew but could not prove.
    Here are 7 new ideas from the old world that can make your life better:

  • The 10 Most Common Myths About Adobe’s Creative Cloud

    With over 1.4 mil­lion cus­tomers hav­ing already signed up the eigh­teen months since it launched, Adobe’s Creative Cloud offer­ing has been a suc­cess exceed­ing even the company’s own expec­ta­tions. Still, there are a lot of mis­con­cep­tions out there that we see from time to time, or that some folks seem to believe… (do you?) Here below we dis­pel and debunk the top 10 most com­mon myths we’ve heard – and hope­ful­ly even if you already know the scoop or use Creative Cloud you’ll pick some­thing up… read on!