Acrobat DC Advanced

I learned a lot. I am bet­ter able to write and pub­lish pro­fes­sion­al doc­u­ments. I have a bet­ter idea what I can and can­not do with Adobe Acrobat.

Acrobat DC Advanced

Thanks for the great class. I liked being able to use the soft­ware and prac­tice the things we were learning.

InDesign Advanced

The whole expe­ri­ence was great. I will be able to use these skills to grow my usage in tech­ni­cal design.

InDesign Advanced

This was great, thank you very much! My instruc­tor Pariah was a won­der­ful teacher! He was very infor­ma­tive, help­ful, and kind and made the expe­ri­ence what it was.

InDesign Advanced

This course was very good and the instruc­tor was very help­ful through­out. I liked see­ing the dif­fer­ence between InDesign and oth­er pro­grams and how many Adobe pro­grams inter­act to com­plete a job.

Photoshop Advanced

Another qual­i­ty class with a qual­i­ty instruc­tor. Everything worked great. Pariah was a great instruc­tor. Don’t let him get away.