Training in Industry-Leading Tools

Industry-Leading, Modern-World,YOU-Oriented Tool Training Welcome to the most you-oriented pro­fes­sion­al train­ing ser­vices avail­able from one of the best in the busi­ness. Are you look­ing to max­i­mize your team’s poten­tial by …

Instructional Design: Expert eLearning & mLearning Development

Unlock the Power of Knowledge Transfer with Cutting-Edge eLearning Solutions Welcome to a world where learn­ing knows no bounds. In today’s fast-paced, dig­i­tal age, edu­ca­tion­al mate­ri­als should be engag­ing, acces­si­ble, and …

Instructional Design

Adult learn­ing theory-based con­cep­tion and devel­op­ment of elearn­ing mod­ules and cours­es, video-based instruc­tion, writ­ten edu­ca­tion such as man­u­als, job aids, step-by-steps, and oth­er forms, as well as devel­op­ment of test­ing and results eval­u­a­tion systems.


Services beyond train­ing and devel­op­ment can include any­thing from cus­tomized hybrid education-development events that result in your team learn­ing to cre­ate projects while actu­al­ly build­ing a deliv­er­able, ready-for-market project, all the way through me spend­ing time eval­u­at­ing and help­ing to revamp your cre­ative pro­fes­sion­al depart­ment on-site.


Timely, tai­lored, results-oriented Adobe, Microsoft, Canva, Elearning, Section 508/Accessibility, and oth­er soft­ware train­ing deliv­ered in a vari­ety of for­mats: Instructor Led Training, Virtual Instructor Lead Training, On-Site Classroom Training, Private Customized Training, White Label Subcontract Training, and Project-Based Training.

Infographics Design with Adobe Illustrator

Taught at a good speed and even if there was an unfa­mil­iar top­ic, it was not hard to fol­low along. I will be able to advance the appear­ance of my cur­rent work …

Infographics Design with Adobe Illustrator

This learn­ing expe­ri­ence is fab­u­lous! Instructor Pariah is thor­ough and patient with his expla­na­tions and pace. Thank you so much! Loved the training!