Infographic Design

Learning new ways to ana­lyze and pull data for use in an info­graph­ic to cre­ate more com­pelling visuals.

Infographic Design

Very knowl­edge­able instruc­tor! Moving data from Excel to Illustrator and options for dif­fer­ent charting/graphing iterations.

Infographic Design

I liked the instruc­tors knowl­edge and expe­ri­ence lev­el and his calm demeanor.

Infographic Design

Hands on projects are extreme­ly valu­able to me, as I tend to learn by doing. I also liked that the course approached piv­ot tables, as I’d been want­i­ng to learn more about …

Infographic Design

I thought the pace was good. I will be bet­ter at mak­ing info­graph­ics as well as work­ing with team mem­bers to make charts and graphs that I can uti­lize with much less …

InDesign Section 508 and Accessibility

Enjoyed the class and the instruc­tor. I learned a lot and look for­ward to imple­ment­ed what I learned. I liked the exam­ples giv­en. I think I may try to become an expert in this area.

InDesign Section 508 and Accessibility

The train­ing was great and infor­ma­tive! I’ll def­i­nite­ly be try­ing to make more docs com­pli­ant. Right now we have many we can’t post to websites.