InDesign Intro Advanced

Great flex­i­bil­i­ty and learn­ing out­lines. This will help me with my day to day and with my career as a Graphic Designer/Artist.

InDesign Intro

The course was very ben­e­fi­cial and the instruc­tor clear­ly knows the content.

InDesign Intro

Class was great! Very clear, good pace, small class size so it was easy to get ques­tions answered and get help. I was excit­ed to learn, and this will allow us …

InDesign Section 508 and Accessibility

Most things I do requires 508 com­pli­ance, so this train­ing will [help] me ensure I am con­fi­dent I am doing every­thing I need to for accessibility.

InDesign Section 508 and Accessibility

Pretty much every­thing I work on I have to make 508 com­plaint. There were so many things I could/should be doing dif­fer­ent­ly. I am very excit­ed about every­thing I have learned the last two days! …

InDesign Section 508 and Accessibility

Pariah is a phe­nom­e­nal instructor—knowledgeable, patient, and help­ful. We are work­ing to make 400+ print­ed brochures into a series of acces­si­ble PDFs for post­ing online. What we learned will give us the …


This is my 2nd course with Pariah as the instruc­tor and he’s an amaz­ing instruc­tor. Not only is he very knowl­edge­able on the sub­ject mat­ter, he’s also very patient. I enjoy …


Pariah was a huge treat. I did­n’t real­ize he was some­one I fol­low on social media plat­forms and it was real­ly spe­cial to learn from him. I aspire to func­tion with his knowl­edge one day.


Yes, worth the times and effort! Covered real-life issues in work­place and not nec­es­sar­i­lyy from what is in pre­de­ter­mined curriculum.