Custom-Designed or DIY Personal & Professional Sites with

DIY or Done-Just-For-You Sites by Web​.com — A No-Code, Low-Cost Means to Establishing a Personal or Professional Online Presence

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Web​.com offers small, medi­um, and solo­pre­neur busi­ness­es like my sister-in-law an incred­i­bly easy, coding-free way to get online, mar­ket their ser­vices, and be suc­cess­ful. Using tech­nol­o­gy so rare and all-but unheard of amongst inter­net ser­vice providers—a telephone—you may not even have to use’s web­site to build your own web­site. They’re design­ers can build every­thing you need right over the phone. If you’re more hands-on or uncom­fort­able using old fash­ioned tech­nol­o­gy like a voice call, you can build your web­site online, also entire­ly with­out writ­ing a sin­gle line of code, using professionally-designed tem­plates cus­tomiz­able with a drag-and-drop edi­tor no more com­pli­cat­ed than Microsoft Word or PowerPoint. Whichever way you choose to cre­ate your web­site, Web​.com offers tools and experts to get you found by your cus­tomers through SEO, PPC, search engine place­ment, and social media mar­ket­ing. Specialized CRM, mar­ket­ing, sched­ul­ing, and com­mu­ni­ca­tion tools ready for point-and-click inte­gra­tion with your web­site can even give spe­cif­ic indus­try busi­ness­es every­thing they need for suc­cess. [/su_note]

When my sister-in-law, Katy, earned her real estate license she real­ized bring­ing home buy­ers to her was going to take more than just busi­ness cards at the local nail salon and on the super­mar­ket bul­letin board. She need­ed a web­site, but she’d just com­plet­ed a three-week course; she didn’t want to go back to school just to learn how to code a web­site. Moreover, she want­ed more than just “a web­site.” Katy need­ed to be able to change the web­site fre­quent­ly, not just to han­dle rapid­ly list­ing and sell­ing homes, but also tak­ing advan­tage of changes in the mar­ket to high­light on the home page prime and up-and-coming neigh­bor­hoods, hot list­ings, and events like home shows where Katy would have a pres­ence. She also need­ed a way to get the word out about her web­site, to let home buy­ers and sell­ers know she was out there, ready to serve them with her sparkling per­son­al­i­ty and pos­i­tive­ly obses­sive atten­tion to detail.

After ask­ing around the fam­i­ly and Facebook, the one rec­om­men­da­tion Katy kept get­ting over and over again was Web​.com.

Done-For-You Design: Will Build Your Custom Site From Scratch

Unlike many ser­vices with which you’re lucky to receive same-week email help or robo-agent “live” chats, Web​.com actu­al­ly encour­ages you to call. Don’t know where to start? Pick up the phone. Halfway through select­ing and cus­tomiz­ing your pro­fes­sion­al­ly designed lay­out but don’t know what “SSL cer­tifi­cate” means? Call. Want Web​.com to design every­thing for you? Punch the dig­its on your dialer. Making a phone call is such a sim­ple and refresh­ing way of ser­vic­ing cus­tomers that has been sad­ly lack­ing among ser­vice providers over the last two decades.

You’re actually encouraged to use a telephone to get started. How amazing is that!?
You’re actu­al­ly encour­aged to use a tele­phone to get start­ed. How amaz­ing is that!?

Once you do pick up the phone (if you can remem­ber how to use it to place voice calls) you’ll be swift­ly con­nect­ed with a MyTime Support Expert who is your per­son­al design­er, coder, sup­port tech­ni­cian, mar­ket­ing ana­lyst, and account spe­cial­ist. Your MyTime Support Expert will ask you about your busi­ness and your goals for your business’s new web­site, and then, by know­ing about your busi­ness and all the facets of online pres­ence that you may not know, your MyTime Support Expert will build the web­site you need. Although you and the MyTime Support Expert will start with one of’s hun­dreds of pre-built tem­plates, you won’t receive a cookie-cutter, one-size-fits-all web­site. Your MyTime Support Expert will cus­tomize the site to your spe­cif­ic busi­ness and goals. In no time you’ll have a cus­tom web­site built from scratch—from a phone call!

And it doesn’t stop there. Giving your busi­ness an online pres­ence is, to para­graphs G.I. Joe, only half the bat­tle. Getting it noticed by your cus­tomers is the oth­er half. That’s where Web​.com shines, too. Once your site is built, your MyTime Support Expert will steer you into mar­ket­ing mode, help­ing you use the Ignite Online Marketing ser­vice to pro­mote your shiny new web­site with SEO (Search Engine Optimization) so that it ranks high­est on Google, Bing, Yahoo!, YP​.com, and oth­er search engines where your cus­tomers look for you and your com­peti­tors. Once your search engine pres­ence is max­i­mized, your MyTime Support Expert will help you raise your social media pro­file with Facebook, Twitter, Google+, and social media promotion.

A Web-based com­pa­ny serv­ing cus­tomers by phone is so rare and refresh­ing these days that it makes Web​.com a super­star of cus­tomer ser­vice. The new web­site it deliv­ers for your busi­ness makes Web​.com a super­star of online presence.

Do-It-Yourself Site Builder: Control Your Site's Look Sans Coding

Of course, you don’t have to call Web​.com. You can do every­thing your­self using’s sim­ply, no-coding, Microsoft Office-inspired Do-It-Yourself Site Builder tool. Every step of the process is easy and ful­ly doc­u­ment­ed with clear­ly writ­ten help and tutorials.

Hundreds of professionally-designed templates provide the perfect starting point.
Hundreds of professionally-designed tem­plates pro­vide the per­fect start­ing point.

Begin by pick­ing from among hun­dreds of professionally-designed web­site tem­plates. The tem­plate is a start­ing point for your unique web­site. Add your logo. Customize the tem­plate with your brand col­ors. Choose fonts you like.

Once the web­site looks like your busi­ness, fur­ther cus­tomize it with easy-to-use drag-and-drop com­po­nents that make it work like your busi­ness with­out you hav­ing to code a sin­gle line. Want a cal­en­dar? Drop that in. How about a con­tact or feed­back form? Drag it into place. Need more pho­tographs so that poten­tial cus­tomers can see your busi­ness? Simple. Just upload your pho­tos, drag them to where you want, and resize with your mouse as needed.

Six months lat­er, do it again, if you want. After build­ing your web­site in the Do-It-Yourself Site Builder you can use that same tool mod­i­fy your web­site at any time. Running a sale? Change the images and text in Do-It-Yourself Site Builder. Have cus­tomers told you that a dri­ving direc­tions sec­tion would be ben­e­fi­cial? Grab that, enter your address, and go—letting your cus­tomers come. Realize a few weeks after build­ing that you for­got to include an “About Us” page? Add it. Want to com­plete­ly redesign your site for a hol­i­day or just because you’re tired of the design? Rebuild it by start­ing from scratch with a new tem­plate or by copy­ing and past­ing every­thing you want to keep.

Edit your website in the Microsoft Office-like Do-It-Yourself Site Builder.
Edit your web­site in the Microsoft Office-like Do-It-Yourself Site Builder.

Creating your web­site with the Web​.com Do-It-Yourself Site Builder is no more com­pli­cat­ed than point-and-click, drag-and-drop. Coding is intim­i­dat­ing. The Do-It-Yourself Site Builder is the oppo­site. It’s easy, intu­itive, and, to be can­did, fun to use.

Industry-Specific Solutions for Professionals to Engage with Clients

In addi­tion to great web­site designs and mar­ket­ing tools, Web​.com also offers spe­cial­ized solu­tions for spe­cif­ic types of busi­ness­es. Auto mechan­ics, chi­ro­prac­tors, den­tists, and real estate pro­fes­sion­als can inte­grate com­plete solu­tions to help their busi­ness func­tion bet­ter through their new websites. 

Automotive repair shops and mechan­ics can ben­e­fit from’s cus­tomized mar­ket­ing pack­age. Web​.com will help you max­i­mize your expo­sure and gen­er­ate leads. Through local SEO you’ll rank high­er in search results and appear near the top of direc­to­ries like Google, Yahoo!, and Bing. Pay-per-click (PPC) ads posi­tioned on the right key­words in Google, Yahoo!, and Bing will gen­er­ate strong, rel­e­vant leads, bring­ing cus­tomers to you. Web​.com will also add your busi­ness to Google Maps, help­ing you be found when cus­tomers search for local busi­ness­es like yours on the Web and, more impor­tant­ly, on mobile.

Automotive repair websites can be more than just websites.
Automotive repair web­sites can be more than just websites.

For den­tal and chi­ro­prac­tic prac­tices, Lighthouse by Web​.com is an all-in-one auto­mat­ed patient com­mu­ni­ca­tion soft­ware. Remind patients and reduce no-shows with auto­mat­ed patient reminders via email, text, phone, and phys­i­cal mail. Send reminders for treat­ment plans, rec­om­mend­ed main­te­nance, and check-ups. Communicate with patients via two-way tex­ting from your com­put­er, as well as mes­sage wait­lists, han­dle appoint­ment requests, and even send out newslet­ters. Grow your online rep­u­ta­tion with reviews on Yelp, Google, and oth­er major sites. Lighthouse can be inte­grat­ed into your sleek, invit­ing Web​.com web­site and con­nect­ed seam­less­ly to your prac­tice man­age­ment software. 

Real estate agents, real­tors, real estate bro­kers, and bro­ker­ages can use TORCHx, an easy-to-use client man­age­ment solu­tion built specif­i­cal­ly to address the needs of real estate pro­fes­sion­als. It includes enhanced CRM tools and client activ­i­ty noti­fi­ca­tions. Keep in touch with clients through email and drip cam­paigns that can be eas­i­ly built with TORCHx’s tem­plates, and then tracked through TORCHx. Attract and con­vert leads with beau­ti­ful web­sites for list­ings, pay-per-click (PPC) ads and ad track­ing, and list­ings, neigh­bor­hood data, and maps. Through seam­less inte­gra­tion with your Web​.com web­site, TORCHx can gath­er and con­sol­i­date client infor­ma­tion, auto­mate fre­quent tasks, and put vital infor­ma­tion at your fin­ger­tips at your office, on-site, and on-the-go.

Auto mechan­ics, chi­ro­prac­tors, den­tists, and real estate pro­fes­sion­als don’t have to start from scratch. Instead, you can start with the right pre-built, industry-specific solu­tion for your busi­ness to give your busi­ness a new or more pro­fes­sion­al online pres­ence in sec­onds instead of the min­utes it takes with a MyTime Support Expert or the Do-It-Yourself Site Builder. Starting from a pre-built solu­tion instant­ly con­nects you with clients, helps walk-ins find you, enables you to accept online pay­ments, gives you an online store for your prod­ucts, puts you in search engines, and makes your busi­ness an online presence. Has Helped More Than 3 Million Customers Over 20 Years

It’s now three months since my sister-in-law Katy start­ed her online pres­ence and online tools with Web​.com, join­ing over three mil­lion oth­er Web​.com cus­tomers. She’s a thriv­ing inde­pen­dent real estate agent. Her web­site is sleek and friend­ly, with con­tent she eas­i­ly keeps updat­ed, and includes built-in tools that help her man­age her list­ings, clients, and appoint­ments from her home office, tablet, and phone with no more dif­fi­cul­ty than check­ing her email. Thanks to MyTime Support Experts and’s Ignite Online Marketing ser­vice, Katy has a 5‑star review on Yelp and anoth­er on Google, well-converting PPC ads at the top of all the major search engines and Facebook, and well-written, top-of-page list­ings on Google, Bing, Yahoo!, and else­where. Katy’s doing so well, in fact, that she and my broth­er are tak­ing a sec­ond hon­ey­moon in Oahu next win­ter while their kids stay with Uncle David.

If you find your­self in need of a new or more effec­tive Web pres­ence, give Web​.com a try.

If you find your­self in need of the per­fect new home in or around Portland, Oregon, look up my sister-in-law, Katy Morris. She’s got the best tools and the best atti­tude to make your home-buying dreams come true!