Change Typefaces without Using the Mouse

Here’s a quick tip for chang­ing the font of text quick­ly in all ver­sions of InDesign and InCopy–and with­out ever touch­ing the mouse.

Let’s begin by estab­lish­ing two facts: First, CMD+T/CTRL+T opens or clos­es the Character panel/palette. Second, we know that typ­ing into the Character panel’s Font Family field caus­es InDesign to try to match typed char­ac­ters to the name of a font fam­i­ly. For instance, if you type garInDesign will fill in the first match, which is like­ly to be Garamond Première Pro or anoth­er Garamond deriva­tion (assum­ing you have a Garamond type fam­i­ly installed and active).

What you may not have noticed is a third fact ger­mane to this dis­cus­sion: When the Character pan­el is first opened, the con­tents of the Font Family field are auto­mat­i­cal­ly select­ed and high­light­ed. (See where I’m going with this?)

Combine those three facts and you have a mouse-free means of rapid­ly chang­ing the type­face of text as you type. Here’s how:

  1. Press CMD+T/CTRL+T to open the Character pan­el. If it was already open, press CMD+T/CTRL+T twice–once to close it, once to re-open it.
  2. Begin typ­ing the name of your desired font fam­i­ly. InDesign (or InCopy) will auto­mat­i­cal­ly fill in the first alpha­bet­i­cal match. If that match isn’t cor­rect, keep typ­ing out the name until the Character pan­el serves up what you want.
  3. Press Return/Enter to com­mit the font fam­i­ly change to the document.
  4. Keep on writ­ing or for­mat­ting copy in your document.

Notice that at no time did your hands leave the keyboard.

If you need to change the font style or oth­er options after chang­ing the font fam­i­ly, hit Tab before step 3 to move from the Font Family field to the Font Style field. In that field you can also begin typ­ing the desired style name and let InDesign fill in the rest. For instance, type it to request the ital­ic type­face or cond for the con­densed version–of course, InDesign will only offer up styles you have installed.