Designing in Monotone, Duotone, Tritone, and Quadtone in InDesign

Designing in Duotone in InDesign

You will learn to design in monot­o­ne, duo­tone, tri­tone, & quad­tone to cre­ate stun­ning, styl­ish designs in InDesign for aes­thet­ics and cost savings.

InDesign CC Designing a Flyer

New design­er? Office man­ag­er? Helping your church or school? Start with no InDesign knowl­edge and end with a beau­ti­ful 1‑page fly­er ready to print and post online.

99 Free Valentine's Day Fonts

I romanced every free font resource, sam­pled every heart-shaped box of choco­latey type treats, and arranged this bou­quet of 99 ways to type “I love you.”

Below you will find 99 Valentine’s Day and love-inspired fonts–and they’re all free! You can down­load each of them in TrueType for­mat for use on either Windows or macOS.

Illustrator Typography Video Course

Illustrator CC Typography

From logo design to illus­tra­tion, from posters to sig­nage, from brochures to menus, your text is meant to be read, to con­vey a mes­sage. It can’t do that if it isn’t leg­i­ble, read­able, and well-styled. Making it so is the art of typog­ra­phy. In Illustrator CC Typography Pariah Burke will teach you all the skills you’ll need to cre­ate and style beau­ti­ful, per­fect typog­ra­phy in all your Illustrator draw­ings and doc­u­ments. You will learn not only the hows, but also the whys and whens, so that you will end the course not only with the skills to set per­fect type, but also the con­fi­dence and under­stand­ing to make the right type­set­ting deci­sions again and again, in every one of your designs.