Adobe Acrobat Section 508 and Accessibility ADVANCED

The best edu­ca­tion­al class I have tak­en in many years.
Making our site as acces­si­ble as pos­si­ble is impor­tant. Much of our con­tent is not ours though. Usually, we take the con­tent and make acces­si­ble HTML and assume the PDF is “good enough”. After hear­ing this is incor­rect and going to become a stronger require­ment in our indus­try this class is more than a start to improv­ing PDFs. Learning every­thing I have in the 2 class­es will allow new dis­cus­sions for our pro­duc­tion sys­tems on reme­di­at­ing what pub­lish­ers send to us. In addi­tion, may change our cur­rent processes.