Photoshop Intro

Don’t be appre­hen­sive and take a Photoshop intro class. Pariah Burke was the best, and I could­n’t have picked a bet­ter instruc­tor. He was atten­tive and had unlim­it­ed patience with our class. Usually, I would shy away and not ask ques­tions and fig­ured I would just review the video for seg­ments I did­n’t get. But Pariah was on top of things; if he saw that I did­n’t move my mouse, he would just nudge me by offer­ing help. I must say that I feel like a pho­to­shop guru just after this intro-level class and can­not wait to put all I learned into practice.
I’m a pro­gram man­ag­er and design mar­ket­ing mate­ri­als for my depart­ment. Although, I’ve paid for pho­to­shop for the past cou­ple years, and tried to teach myself (which did­n’t work out well) I am hap­py to say that I final­ly have a grasp on the application!