Add Your Paragraph and Character Styles to All New InDesign Documents Automatically

Got para­graph and char­ac­ter styles you use fre­quent­ly? Maybe you took our advice and cre­at­ed basic, glob­al char­ac­ter styles for bold, ital­ic, bold-italic, and reg­u­lar. Save your­self some seri­ous time load­ing your com­mon­ly used styles into new documents–make them part of the default for all new documents.

Open InDesign (or InCopy) but don’t open a doc­u­ment. From the fly­out menu on the Paragraph Styles or Character Styles pan­el choose the Load All Text Styles com­mand. You’ll be prompt­ed to find a doc­u­ment con­tain­ing the desired styles. Find and select that, and then pick the styles you want. When they import to the Paragraph Styles and/or Character Styles pan­els, with no doc­u­ments opened, those style become avail­able by default for all new doc­u­ments you create.