Adobe Establishes OnDemand Seminars

First seminars available are the Blatner Quark to InDesign Series

In ear­ly November 2005 Adobe pre­sent­ed a series of eSeminars direct­ed at the design pro­fes­sion­al who uses, has used, or is com­ing over from QuarkXPress to InDesign. With valu­able infor­ma­tion and insights from David Blatner (the not­ed quon­dam QuarkXPress evan­ge­list) the series had insights valu­able to new InDesigners as well as estab­lished users and those expe­ri­enced in Quark, they were so well attend­ed that the talk on InDesign Tips and Tricks was wait­list­ed, requir­ing the estab­lish­ment of a sec­ond ses­sion (QVI’s Pariah S Burke passed along the info to you here, and Pariah report­ed on David’s first sem­i­nar here).

If you were unfor­tu­nate enough, by cirucm­stance, tech­nol­o­gy or demand, to miss these ses­sions, you aren’t com­plete­ly out of luck. Beginning this week, Adobe has estab­lished OnDemand eSeminars, CS2 eSeminars archived on line so you can view them on your own sched­ule. Registration is free, and two of Blatners’ November talks, InDesign for QuarkXPress Users and InDesign Tips and Tricks are avail­able right now for view­ing. The third, David Blatner on the InDesign Advanage should be com­ing to OnDemand soon.

The con­tent is free of cost in return for reg­is­tra­tion to the OnDemand site and com­ple­tion of a brief ques­tion­naire. The address is http://​www​.eventsvc​.com/​a​d​o​b​e​o​n​d​e​mands/.