Adobe Announces InCopy CS2

Innovative Assignments-based Workflow Enables True Multi-User Documents and New Graphics Support Refines Collaboration Between Editorial and Design Groups

Press Release

Adobe InCopy CS 2

Adobe announces InCopy CS2

SAN JOSE, Calif.–(–April 4, 2005–Adobe Systems Incorporated (Nasdaq:ADBE) today announced Adobe® InCopy® CS2, a pro­fes­sion­al writ­ing and edit­ing pro­gram that inte­grates tight­ly with Adobe InDesign® CS2 soft­ware, also announced today (see sep­a­rate press release). InCopy CS2 soft­ware stream­lines and enhances col­lab­o­ra­tive edi­to­r­i­al work­flows for small cre­ative teams. Adobe also licens­es InCopy CS2 to sys­tems inte­gra­tors and third-party devel­op­ers to design edi­to­r­i­al solu­tions for more advanced, medium-to-large sized pub­lish­ing workgroups.

InCopy CS2 intro­duces an inno­v­a­tive assignments-based work­flow, which enables one or more edi­tors to work in par­al­lel with the design­er on dif­fer­ent parts of an InDesign file, with­out over­writ­ing each oth­er’s changes. New graph­ics con­trols and edi­to­r­i­al enhance­ments fur­ther refine the col­lab­o­ra­tive work­flow. Using InCopy CS2 and InDesign CS2 togeth­er enables few­er review and revi­sion cycles between design­ers and edi­tors, bet­ter edi­to­r­i­al con­trol over copy, and ulti­mate­ly gets pub­li­ca­tions to mar­ket faster.

With inno­va­tions such as the abil­i­ty to place and scale images and art­work and the extreme­ly robust INX exchange for­mat, InCopy CS2 will enable our cus­tomers to col­lab­o­rate even more effec­tive­ly across the pub­lish­ing work­flow,” said Andreas Schrader, man­ag­ing direc­tor of SoftCare, devel­op­ers of the K4 Publishing System, in use at major mag­a­zines and news­pa­pers such as Condé Nast’s GQ, Gruner+Jahr’s Capital and Metro Newspapers. “InCopy CS2 pro­vides enhance­ments that will help our cus­tomers accel­er­ate the edit­ing process, pro­mot­ing increased effi­cien­cy and qual­i­ty across their publications.”

Multi-user Workflows Advance Document Collaboration

InCopy CS2 lets writ­ers and edi­tors work more effec­tive­ly with design­ers using InDesign CS2. The new InCopy LiveEdit Workflow plug-ins pro­vide a stream­lined file check-in/check-out sys­tem for small work­groups. Support for assign­ments sim­pli­fies the edi­to­r­i­al process, enabling design­ers to assign edi­tors access to spe­cif­ic con­tent — from indi­vid­ual frames on a page, or across mul­ti­ple spreads, to a com­plete InDesign doc­u­ment. An InDesign doc­u­ment might con­tain mul­ti­ple arti­cles, each assigned to dif­fer­ent edi­tors for true multi-user doc­u­ment collaboration.

Designers can allow edi­tors to con­tribute graph­ics to lay­outs by assign­ing frames where they can place, scale, crop, and rotate images and art­work. Editors can now work more col­lab­o­ra­tive­ly with con­trib­u­tors who use Microsoft® Word®, with new capa­bil­i­ties to open and edit Word doc­u­ments in InCopy CS2 and then save them as RTF (Rich Text Format) files.

More Efficient Editorial Workflows Help Editors Beat Deadlines

Adobe InCopy CS2 offers numer­ous enhance­ments that accel­er­ate the edit­ing process. Now edi­tors can drag and drop text or avoid man­u­al­ly refor­mat­ting text moved from one area to anoth­er by past­ing with­out for­mat­ting. Automated text macros speed inser­tion of fre­quent­ly used phras­es in text by enabling edi­tors to type a code, such as WH for White House, and press the space­bar. Editors can link to mul­ti­ple user dic­tio­nar­ies and import and export word lists for easy exchange with col­leagues. Stand-alone copy­fit puts edi­tors in con­trol, enabling them to define copy­fit areas when the lay­out is still in devel­op­ment. With new sup­port for hid­ing and show­ing lay­ers, edi­tors can eas­i­ly access alter­nate ver­sions of con­tent for editing.

Pricing and Availability

Adobe InCopy CS2 for Mac OS X ver­sion 10.2.8 through 10.3.8, Microsoft® Windows® 2000 or Windows XP will begin ship­ping in May to cus­tomers in the United States and Canada, and will be avail­able through Adobe Authorized Resellers and the Adobe Store at www​.adobe​.com/store . International ver­sions are expect­ed to begin ship­ping in late May and ear­ly June. Estimated street price for the full ver­sion is US$249 and licensed users of Adobe InCopy CS can upgrade for US$89. For more detailed infor­ma­tion about new fea­tures, upgrade poli­cies and pric­ing, please vis­it: www​.adobe​.com/​incopy . To eval­u­ate the InCopy solu­tion you need based on the size and com­plex­i­ty of your pub­lish­ing work­flow, vis­it: www​.adobe​.com/​i​n​c​o​p​y​/​o​r​d​erinfo . Pricing and avail­abil­i­ty will be deter­mined by sys­tems inte­gra­tors based on indi­vid­ual installations.

About Adobe Systems Incorporated

Adobe is the world’s lead­ing provider of soft­ware solu­tions to cre­ate, man­age and deliv­er high-impact, reli­able dig­i­tal con­tent. For more infor­ma­tion, vis­it www​.adobe​.com .