Adobe Shares What Happens In Vegas With The World

Adobe Shares What Happens In Vegas With The World.–The Design Weblog–

Today Adobe announced Acrobat 7.0 and The Design Weblog is right on top of it with a detailed report on the feature-rich, more mature glue that holds the Adobe cre­ative work­flow together.

Acrobat 7 is not the com­plete over­haul that was Acrobat 6, but it builds upon the steady three-legged foun­da­tion poured by Acrobat 6. With crit­i­cal press and pre­press fea­tures for cre­ative pros, stream­lined busi­ness fea­tures, and by open­ing the door to the enter­prise’s total adop­tion of elec­tron­ic doc­u­ments with the new pow­er giv­en to the ubiq­ui­tous and free Adobe Reader, Acrobat 7 kicks over the last stub­born hur­dles to total epa­per con­ver­sion for every document-based workflow.

Acrobat is all grown up.