Apple Reinvents the Phone with iPhone


Apple iPhone

The Apple iPhone

MACWORLD SAN FRANCISCO–January 9, 2007–Apple® today intro­duced iPhone, com­bin­ing three products–a rev­o­lu­tion­ary mobile phone, a widescreen iPod® with touch con­trols, and a break­through Internet com­mu­ni­ca­tions device with desktop-class email, web brows­ing, search­ing and maps–into one small and light­weight hand­held device. iPhone intro­duces an entire­ly new user inter­face based on a large multi-touch dis­play and pio­neer­ing new soft­ware, let­ting users con­trol iPhone with just their fin­gers. iPhone also ush­ers in an era of soft­ware pow­er and sophis­ti­ca­tion nev­er before seen in a mobile device, which com­plete­ly rede­fines what users can do on their mobile phones. 

“iPhone is a rev­o­lu­tion­ary and mag­i­cal prod­uct that is lit­er­al­ly five years ahead of any oth­er mobile phone,” said Steve Jobs, Apple’s CEO. “We are all born with the ulti­mate point­ing device–our fingers–and iPhone uses them to cre­ate the most rev­o­lu­tion­ary user inter­face since the mouse.”

iPhone is a Revolutionary Mobile Phone
iPhone is a rev­o­lu­tion­ary new mobile phone that allows users to make calls by sim­ply point­ing at a name or num­ber. iPhone syncs all of your con­tacts from your PC, Mac® or Internet ser­vice such as Yahoo!, so that you always have your full list of up-to-date con­tacts with you. In addi­tion, you can eas­i­ly con­struct a favorites list for your most fre­quent­ly made calls, and eas­i­ly merge calls togeth­er to cre­ate con­fer­ence calls. 

iPhone’s pio­neer­ing Visual Voicemail, an indus­try first, lets users look at a list­ing of their voice­mails, decide which mes­sages to lis­ten to, then go direct­ly to those mes­sages with­out lis­ten­ing to the pri­or mes­sages. Just like email, iPhone’s Visual Voicemail enables users to imme­di­ate­ly ran­dom­ly access those mes­sages that inter­est them most. 

iPhone includes an SMS appli­ca­tion with a full QWERTY soft key­board to eas­i­ly send and receive SMS mes­sages in mul­ti­ple ses­sions. When users need to type, iPhone presents them with an ele­gant touch key­board which is pre­dic­tive to pre­vent and cor­rect mis­takes, mak­ing it much eas­i­er and more effi­cient to use than the small plas­tic key­boards on many smart­phones. iPhone also includes a cal­en­dar appli­ca­tion that allows cal­en­dars to be auto­mat­i­cal­ly synced with your PC or Mac. 

iPhone fea­tures a 2 megapix­el cam­era and a pho­to man­age­ment appli­ca­tion that is far beyond any­thing on a phone today. Users can browse their pho­to library, which can be eas­i­ly synced from their PC or Mac, with just a flick of a fin­ger and eas­i­ly choose a pho­to for their wall­pa­per or to include in an email. 

iPhone is a quad-band GSM phone which also fea­tures EDGE and Wi-Fi wire­less tech­nolo­gies for data net­work­ing. Apple has cho­sen Cingular, the best and most pop­u­lar car­ri­er in the US with over 58 mil­lion sub­scribers, to be Apple’s exclu­sive car­ri­er part­ner for iPhone in the US. 

iPhone is a Widescreen iPod 
iPhone is a widescreen iPod with touch con­trols that lets music lovers “touch” their music by eas­i­ly scrolling through entire lists of songs, artists, albums and playlists with just a flick of a fin­ger. Album art­work is stun­ning­ly pre­sent­ed on iPhone’s large and vibrant display. 

iPhone also fea­tures Cover Flow, Apple’s amaz­ing way to browse your music library by album cov­er art­work, for the first time on an iPod. When nav­i­gat­ing your music library on iPhone, you are auto­mat­i­cal­ly switched into Cover Flow by sim­ply rotat­ing iPhone into its land­scape position. 

iPhone’s stun­ning 3.5‑inch widescreen dis­play offers the ulti­mate way to watch TV shows and movies on a pock­etable device, with touch con­trols for play-pause, chap­ter forward-backward and vol­ume. iPhone plays the same videos pur­chased from the online iTunes® Store that users enjoy watch­ing on their com­put­ers and iPods, and will soon enjoy watch­ing on their widescreen tele­vi­sions using the new Apple TVâ„¢. The iTunes Store now offers over 350 tele­vi­sion shows, over 250 fea­ture films and over 5,000 music videos. 

iPhone lets users enjoy all their iPod con­tent, includ­ing music, audio­books, audio pod­casts, video pod­casts, music videos, tele­vi­sion shows and movies. iPhone syncs con­tent from a user’s iTunes library on their PC or Mac, and can play any music or video con­tent they have pur­chased from the online iTunes store. 

iPhone is a Breakthrough Internet Communications Device
iPhone fea­tures a rich HTML email client which fetch­es your email in the back­ground from most POP3 or IMAP mail ser­vices and dis­plays pho­tos and graph­ics right along with the text. iPhone is ful­ly multi-tasking, so you can be read­ing a web page while down­load­ing your email in the background. 

Yahoo! Mail, the world’s largest email ser­vice with over 250 mil­lion users, is offer­ing a new free “push” IMAP email ser­vice to all iPhone users that auto­mat­i­cal­ly push­es new email to a user’s iPhone, and can be set up by sim­ply enter­ing your Yahoo! name and pass­word. iPhone will also work with most indus­try stan­dard IMAP and POP based email ser­vices, such as Microsoft Exchange, Apple .Mac Mail, AOL Mail, Google Gmail and most ISP mail services. 

iPhone also fea­tures the most advanced and fun-to-use web brows­er on a portable device with a ver­sion of its award-winning Safariâ„¢ web brows­er for iPhone. Users can see any web page the way it was designed to be seen, and then eas­i­ly zoom in to expand any sec­tion by sim­ply tap­ping on iPhone’s multi-touch dis­play with their fin­ger. Users can surf the web from just about any­where over Wi-Fi or EDGE, and can auto­mat­i­cal­ly sync their book­marks from their PC or Mac. iPhone’s Safari web brows­er also includes built-in Google Search and Yahoo! Search so users can instant­ly search for infor­ma­tion on their iPhone just like they do on their computer. 

iPhone also includes Google Maps, fea­tur­ing Google’s ground­break­ing maps ser­vice and iPhone’s amaz­ing maps appli­ca­tion, offer­ing the best maps expe­ri­ence by far on any pock­et device. Users can view maps, satel­lite images, traf­fic infor­ma­tion and get direc­tions, all from iPhone’s remark­able and easy-to-use touch interface. 

iPhone’s Advanced Sensors 
iPhone employs advanced built-in sensors–an accelerom­e­ter, a prox­im­i­ty sen­sor and an ambi­ent light sensor–that auto­mat­i­cal­ly enhance the user expe­ri­ence and extend bat­tery life. iPhone’s built-in accelerom­e­ter detects when the user has rotat­ed the device from por­trait to land­scape, then auto­mat­i­cal­ly changes the con­tents of the dis­play accord­ing­ly, with users imme­di­ate­ly see­ing the entire width of a web page, or a pho­to in its prop­er land­scape aspect ratio. 

iPhone’s built-in prox­im­i­ty sen­sor detects when you lift iPhone to your ear and imme­di­ate­ly turns off the dis­play to save pow­er and pre­vent inad­ver­tent touch­es until iPhone is moved away. iPhone’s built-in ambi­ent light sen­sor auto­mat­i­cal­ly adjusts the display’s bright­ness to the appro­pri­ate lev­el for the cur­rent ambi­ent light, there­by enhanc­ing the user expe­ri­ence and sav­ing pow­er at the same time. 

Pricing & Availability
iPhone will be avail­able in the US in June 2007, Europe in late 2007, and Asia in 2008, in a 4GB mod­el for $499 (US) and an 8GB mod­el for $599 (US), and will work with either a PC or Mac. iPhone will be sold in the US through Apple’s retail and online stores, and through Cingular’s retail and online stores. Several iPhone acces­sories will also be avail­able in June, includ­ing Apple’s new remark­ably com­pact Bluetooth headset. 

iPhone includes sup­port for quad-band GSM, EDGE, 802.11b/g Wi-Fi and Bluetooth 2.0 EDR wire­less technologies. 

iPhone requires a Mac with a USB 2.0 port, Mac OS® X v10.4.8 or lat­er and iTunes 7; or a Windows PC with a USB 2.0 port and Windows 2000 (Service Pack 4), Windows XP Home or Professional (Service Pack 2). Internet access is required and a broad­band con­nec­tion is rec­om­mend­ed. Apple and Cingular will announce ser­vice plans for iPhone before it begins ship­ping in June. 

Learn More About iPhone
To learn more about iPhone, please vis­it Apple​.com or watch the video of the iPhone intro­duc­tion at www​.apple​.com/​i​p​h​o​n​e​/​k​eynote.

Apple ignit­ed the per­son­al com­put­er rev­o­lu­tion in the 1970s with the Apple II and rein­vent­ed the per­son­al com­put­er in the 1980s with the Macintosh. Today, Apple con­tin­ues to lead the indus­try in inno­va­tion with its award-winning desk­top and note­book com­put­ers, OS X oper­at­ing sys­tem, and iLife and pro­fes­sion­al appli­ca­tions. Apple is also spear­head­ing the dig­i­tal music rev­o­lu­tion with its iPod portable music play­ers and iTunes online store.