Atlantic Zeiser combines OMEGA Inkjet Systems with Phoseon RX Starfire UV Systems


Hillsboro, OR (PRWeb) February 28, 2007 – Atlantic Zeiser and Phoseon Technology have recent­ly teamed to show the com­bi­na­tion of the new Atlantic Zeiser OMEGA 36/36i inkjet print­ing sys­tems and the Phoseon RX Starfire UV sys­tems for ink cur­ing. The sys­tem was shown by Atlantic Zeiser at Graphisag 2007 in Barcelona, Spain from February 19th-25th.

Phoseon’s RX Starfire prod­ucts are a great fit for us because of their advanced tech­nol­o­gy and high UV pow­er den­si­ties,” com­ment­ed Dr. Thomas Bickl of Atlantic Zeiser. “The will­ing­ness of Phoseon to work close­ly with us dur­ing prod­uct and ink devel­op­ment was also cru­cial. In the ink jet print­ing mar­ket Atlantic Zeiser is cur­rent­ly lead­ing the way for the devel­op­ment of inks which are per­fect­ly adapt­ed for the UV‑A radi­a­tion emit­ted by Phoseon’s Starfire prod­uct range – and high speed full cure capa­bil­i­ty has already been demonstrated.”

Phoseon RX Starfire prod­ucts employ Phoseon’s advanced Semiconductor Light Matrix (SLM) tech­nol­o­gy. SLM arrays inte­grate thou­sands of indi­vid­ual semi­con­duc­tor UV-LED emit­ters into a mercury-free UV cur­ing sys­tem, with high­ly effi­cient pow­er sup­plies, elec­tron­ic inten­si­ty con­trol, and inte­grat­ed micro-optics and cool­ing sys­tems. The prod­ucts’ phys­i­cal pack­age is far more envi­ron­men­tal­ly attrac­tive and cost effec­tive than that of mer­cury lamp-based UV light sources, pro­vid­ing an effi­cient sys­tem that is very easy for OEMs to inte­grate and operate.

The advan­tages of Phoseon’s SLM tech­nol­o­gy – includ­ing high UV inten­si­ties, low heat gen­er­a­tion, no ozone or mer­cury pro­duced, instant on/off inten­si­ty con­trol, and long use­ful life, make it a nat­ur­al fit for UV ink cur­ing appli­ca­tions,” said Tom Molamphy, Director of Sales & Marketing at Phoseon.

The RX Starfire sys­tem is designed as a high inten­si­ty UV light “bar” with con­fig­urable emit­ting lengths. The sys­tems are cur­rent­ly avail­able in stan­dard lengths of 75mm (2.95 in.), 150mm (5.9 in.), 225mm (8.86 in.) and 300mm (11.81 in.) with an emit­ting width of 20mm (.79 in.). The RX Starfire is cur­rent­ly avail­able in either a water-cooled for­mat or air-cooled for­mat. The water-cooled ver­sion is one-fourth the height and can have up to twice the peak out­put over the same emit­ting area when com­pared to the air-cooled ver­sion. For more infor­ma­tion on the full range Phoseon’s of SLM based UV light sys­tem prod­ucts vis­it www​.phoseon​.com/​p​r​oducts.