autofillPDF-Labels 1.0, Productivity Shortcut for Printing Labels/Business Cards in seconds


Worldlabel​.com has released autofillPDF-labels, a col­lec­tion of tem­plates for print­ing labels. “This sim­ple tem­plate tru­ly is rev­o­lu­tion­ary,” said Russell Ossendryver, man­ag­ing direc­tor of Worldlabel​.com Inc. “Once a user fills in one cell with infor­ma­tion and/or image, the sim­ple click of a tab key will fill the entire tem­plate with the infor­ma­tion gath­ered from the first cell. This is a giant pro­duc­tiv­i­ty short­cut for users who need to cre­ate or change mail­ing tem­plates, busi­ness cards and oth­er tem­plates for print­ing. Millions of tem­plates have been down­loaded from Microsoft Office web­site and a major label sup­pli­er’s site. That is the old fash­ioned way. An office task that used to take min­utes now is com­plet­ed in seconds.”

These tem­plates are pro­vid­ed as a free PDF down­load and are cross plat­form and appli­ca­tion inde­pen­dent and will work on Mac OSX, Linux, Windows, Solaris and oth­er Operating Systems. There can be com­pat­i­bil­i­ty issues between dif­fer­ent PDF Readers. For opti­mum per­for­mance, we rec­om­mend you down­load for free Adobe PDF Reader ver­sion 9 

They’re easy to use, after down­load­ing a free autofillPDF-Labels 1.0 tem­plate, sim­ply open the tem­plate and insert text into an “text Field”, press the tab key and watch the infor­ma­tion auto­mat­i­cal­ly fill all label fields with­in the tem­plate sheet instant­ly. For images, you will be prompt­ed to select file, select and image aut­ofills in all image fields.

The com­plete autofillPDF-Labels 1.0 col­lec­tion pro­vides users with the abil­i­ty to use text and/or images, All types of labels are avail­able, includ­ing: address, ship­ping, mail­ing, CD, file fold­er, round, name badge, busi­ness cards and more. Many of these tem­plates are avail­able in pop­u­lar Avery label sizes.

No mat­ter if you need labels for busi­ness or per­son­al projects, autofillPDF-Labels 1.0 will pro­vide the fol­low­ing benefits:

1) Auto-fill all label cells with the same infor­ma­tion and/or images in less than a second
2) For Shipping/Mailing labels, auto-fill infor­ma­tion for FROM and TO cells
3) The abil­i­ty to use text and images in labels with auto-fill

Worldlabel​.com pro­vides this free prod­uct and more in Portable Document Format (PDF), one of the most com­mon­ly used for­mats for elec­tron­ic doc­u­ments. This for­mat recent­ly was made acces­si­ble as an ISO International Standard – ISO 32000–1. Worldlabel​.com is gear­ing up for ver­sion 2.0 which will include enhanced image usabil­i­ty, data entry fields for mail merge and added func­tion­al­i­ty as well as improv­ing PDF read­er com­pat­i­bil­i­ty with Foxit and oth­ers. WoldLabel​.com also pro­vides PDF tem­plates for man­u­al­ly inser­tion of infor­ma­tion into each cell.

Visit: http://​www​.world​la​bel​.com/​P​a​g​e​s​/​a​u​t​o​f​i​l​l​p​d​f​-​l​a​b​e​ls.htm