With delight I opened David Blatner's new book, Moving To InDesign, because any book written or co-written by David is a delight. This one was no exception.
(2005 PeachPit Press)
Co-authored by Christopher Smith and Steve Werner, Moving To InDesign is a roadmap for QuarkXPress and PageMaker users making the move to InDesign or just beginning to check out the neighborhood. The book is not a how-to, nor is it a comprehensive InDesign reference. There are other books for that. Moving To InDesign is tightly focused on the differences and similarities between InDesign and its forebears.
Especially valuable to any long-time Quark shop making the move is the section on converting Quark documents through InDesign’s import filter–what comes through well, what not so well, and what not at all. Alone the value of being forearmed with this knowledge is worth ten fold the price of the book.
Either camp, Quark or PageMaker, will appreciate the sections on top ten “gotchas”–some of the most oft cited pain points for newly baptised InDesign switchers.
The authors–Mr. QuarkXPress cum Mr. InDesign, David Blatner, American Graphics Institute president, Christopher Smith, and long-time Quark and InDesign trainer, Steve Werner–know how Quark and PageMaker users work. And they talk these users through an efficient conversion to InDesign with concise descriptions, friendly explainations, and amusing lessons–all in the industry lingo of experienced layout artists.
Do not buy this 268 page book if InDesign is your first layout application. Buy the Adobe InDesign Classroom in a Book or Sandee Cohen’s InDesign CS for Macintosh and Windows: Visual QuickStart Guide. If a comprehensive desk reference for InDesign is your goal, don’t buy this book. Pickup Galen Gruman’s Adobe InDesign CS Bible. For proven shop hows, whys, and whens of using InDesign, get Real World InDesign CS, written by Olav Martin Kvern and David Blatner.
If you’re an experienced QuarkXPress or PageMaker user who has made, or is contemplating making, the move to InDesign, this is the book you want. The others can come after as needed. Moving To InDesign will move you at your own pace, according to your own needs, into creative and production nirvana with InDesign. With its effervescent design geek quips and easy writing style, you’ll be chuckling all the way through the shallow learning curve.