Bruce Chizen on China, Apple, & Microsoft

In one of the year's most focussed and informative software industry interviews,'s Tony Hallet talks Apple, Microsoft, and China with Adobe CEO Bruce Chizen.

Bruce Chizen on China:

Every time I talk about China I get into trou­ble! I know I irri­tate the Chinese gov­ern­ment – it’s frus­trat­ing. We’ll do – and these are approx­i­mate num­bers – about the equiv­a­lent of $300m in busi­ness in Japan. We have sim­i­lar mar­ket share in China – it’s all Adobe – and we’ll do maybe $3m to $5m. It’s a problem.

Bruce Chizen on Microsoft:

For years now we have been antic­i­pat­ing a move by Microsoft – it’s actu­al­ly tak­en them a lot longer than I thought it would.…We set in place a strat­e­gy a num­ber of years ago to deal with it.

Those nights where I get up in the mid­dle of the night and think ‘OK, they’re doing PDF cre­ation’ and so on… as I toss and turn and think about those things, then I think about the list [of oth­er issues Microsoft is fac­ing] and go back to sleep. I don’t want to give them more cred­it than they deserve.

Bruce Chizen on Apple:

Loyal cus­tomers, loy­al to the Macintosh, is good news for Adobe. The chal­lenge will always be that Apple will look at devel­op­ing its own soft­ware that in some areas will com­pete with Adobe, as they did in the video area. There will always be that ten­sion. But I look at Apple much more as a friend.

Read the full inter­view on Silicon​.com.