Cacidi LiveMerge significantly expands Adobe InDesign’s functionality


NOVEMBER 7, 2006–Newly devel­oped soft­ware from Cacidi Systems con­nects doc­u­ments in Adobe InDesign tight­ly with a data­base and makes lay­out work eas­i­er – espe­cial­ly with regards to large pub­li­ca­tions con­sist­ing of many pages.

Cacidi LiveMerge is a piece of rev­o­lu­tion­ary soft­ware which expands the func­tion­al­i­ty with­in Adobe InDesign and makes life a lot eas­i­er for the graph­ic designer.
Working with Cacidi LiveMerger is like work­ing with a library palette, the only dif­fer­ence being that the con­tent of your own design is seem­less­ly merged from a data source con­tain­ing prod­uct infor­ma­tion and suchlike.

Double proof-readning and main­te­nance of text and image sources that exist in more places than one is a thing of the past once you’ve start­ed using Cacidi LiveMerge.

LiveMerge com­bines excit­ing and sparkling design with data from SQL-based data bases, and entire­ly auto­mat­i­cal­ly merges the con­tent from the data base right back into your design.

It is extreme­ly easy for the user to use the soft­ware as the oper­a­tion of it is very sim­ple. Everything is done by drop and drag. LiveMerge pro­vides a total­ly new and unique way for peo­ple to col­lab­o­rate on a project using the same data. Because of the tightly-knit inte­gra­tion with the data base the assign­ment always remains up to date at any point in time.

Simple oper­a­tion
The oper­at­ing instruc­tions could not be simpler:
1) do a search for the data you wish to use
2) drag your design from the palette to the lay­out of the page.

Even prepa­ra­tion of brand new designs is done by the speed of light, sim­ply by insert­ing merge mark­ers in the text area and then drop and drag the design to the palette. ALL func­tions in InDesign are sup­port­ed with­out exception!

Live Updates – Live Objects
Simply by click­ing only once it is pos­si­ble to update the design to con­tain­ing all the actu­al data, change the cho­sen data card or choose anoth­er design entire­ly. All this is obtained by one click on your mouse.

Fully auto­mat­ic updating
If you want always to have the cor­rect data in your doc­u­ment, all you have to do is to swith on the “Auto Update” func­tion. This func­tion checks all of your open doc­u­ments every five sec­onds and merges any new data that might have changed seem­less­ly direct­ly into your document.

In this way Cacidi LiveMerge puts an end to slow proof-reading process­es, and even large doc­u­ments are updat­ed to con­tain­ing the actu­al data in a few moments.
In a man­ner of speak­ing all the right data is being kept on a leash, mean­ing that every time the data is changed the design is auto­mat­i­cal­ly changed as well.

Barcode sup­port
LiveMerge sup­ports the Extreme Barcode func­tion­al­i­ty. This means that bar­codes with­in the design are auto­mat­i­cal­ly cre­at­ed as wellas being updat­ed imme­di­ate­ly – Live!

Embedded SQL queries (Built-in data selection)
It is pos­si­ble to type SQL queries direct­ly into your lay­out to cre­ate clas­si­fi­ca­tion of data. This makes it very sim­ple to cre­ate for instance a table chart con­tain­ing a list of vari­a­tions of a cer­tain type of mer­chadise or items. 

For more infor­ma­tion please refer to the accom­pa­ny­ing pub­li­ca­tion which is for gen­er­al use.
Also please see www​.Cacidi​.com/​F​l​a​s​h​/​L​i​v​e​M​e​r​ge.swf