Callas Software: pdfaPilot Takes Off as Command Line Module


BERLIN. For seam­less inte­gra­tion into exist­ing doc­u­ment man­age­ment and work­flow sys­tems for the long-term archiv­ing of PDF files, callas soft­ware offers its ground­break­ing PDF/A ver­i­fi­ca­tion, cor­rec­tion and con­ver­sion tool as a com­mand line mod­ule from March 1. callas soft­ware’s command-line mod­ules are ide­al for inte­gra­tion into exist­ing work­flows and offer excel­lent fea­tures for auto­mat­ed PDF processing.

pdfaPilot is offered as a command-line mod­ule in two different
ver­sions: pdfaPilot Validator CLI and pdfaPilot Converter CLI.
pdfaPilot Validator CLI is spe­cial­ly designed for archive users, pub­lic author­i­ties and enter­pris­es who need to quick­ly check whether large amounts of exist­ing PDF files con­form to the PDF/A stan­dard for the long-term archiv­ing accord­ing to ISO 19005–1. pdfaPilot Validator CLI allows users to quick­ly and eas­i­ly check whether exist­ing PDF- based archives are suit­ed for long-term archiv­ing. Clear reports pro­vide the sys­tem admin­is­tra­tor or archive man­ag­er with detailed infor­ma­tion about the PDF lega­cy mate­r­i­al. For exam­ple, pdfaPilot Validator CLI can be set to move PDF files that con­form to the PDF/A stan­dard to a des­ig­nat­ed fold­er, while mov­ing the rest of the files to anoth­er fold­er for fur­ther review.

pdfaPilot Converter CLI goes one step fur­ther: Using the tool, it is not only pos­si­ble to auto­mat­i­cal­ly check exist­ing PDF files for com­pli­ance with the PDF/A stan­dard, but also to cor­rect typ­i­cal sources of errors and con­vert the PDFs to valid PDF/A files.
pdfaPilot CLI is there­fore able to solve giv­en con­ver­sion and archiv­ing prob­lems in the major­i­ty of cas­es, e.g. by re-embedding miss­ing fonts. This allows for a smooth auto­mat­ic con­ver­sion to a valid PDF/A file.

pdfaPilot Validator CLI and pdfaPilot Converter CLI are avail­able for Windows 2000/XP, Mac OS X, Linux, Sun Solaris x86 and SPARC as well as for IBM AIX platforms.

A pdfaPilot Validator CLI license costs EUR 2,499 excl. VAT.

The price for pdfaPilot Converter CLI is EUR 4,499 excl. VAT.

While devel­op­ing the new pdfaPilot command-line mod­ule, callas soft­ware could apply its expe­ri­ence in the devel­op­ment of high- qual­i­ty PDF ver­i­fi­ca­tion, opti­miza­tion and cor­rec­tion tools gained over many years. Berlin-based callas soft­ware has been man­u­fac­tur­ing its lead­ing spe­cial­ized PDF soft­ware and tech­nol­o­gy for more than 10 years and is licens­ing its prod­ucts to com­pa­nies such as Adobe, Hewlett Packard, Mitsubishi or Xerox. The com­pa­ny invent­ed the pre­flight plug-in of Adobe Acrobat Professional and set the de fac­to stan­dard for the ver­i­fi­ca­tion of PDF files. Furthermore, callas soft­ware, as a mem­ber of the ISO stan­dard com­mit­tees (ISO, International Organization for Standardization), was heav­i­ly involved in the stan­dard­iza­tion of PDF/X for the print­ing indus­try as well as PDF/A for long-term archiving.

More infor­ma­tion about pdfaPilot Validator CLI and pdfaPilot Converter CLI as well as pic­tures for down­load you will find at:


You can find fur­ther infor­ma­tion about pdfaPilot, callas soft­ware and its prod­ucts at:


About callas software:
callas soft­ware GmbH, Berlin, was found­ed by Olaf Drümmer in 1995 and spe­cial­izes in devel­op­ing PDF tech­nol­o­gy. Acrobat plug-ins, command- line tools and pro­gram­ming libraries of callas soft­ware check, cor­rect, color-convert, and opti­mize PDF files for print­ing and online pub­lish­ing, doc­u­ment man­age­ment, and archiv­ing. callas soft­ware tech­nolo­gies have been licensed by renowned man­u­fac­tur­ers such as Adobe, Helios, Hewlett Packard, Mitsubishi Paper Mills, and Xerox. callas soft­ware has been work­ing on devel­op­ing indus­tri­al stan­dards for more than five years and is active­ly involved in DIN, ISO, CIP4, the European Color Initiative, and the Ghent PDF Workgroup. Furthermore, callas soft­ware is a found­ing mem­ber of the PDF/A Competence Center, as well as a per­ma­nent mem­ber of the VOI – Verband Organisations- und Informationssysteme e.V. and the AIIM, the Association for Information and Image Management.