Callas Software Presents the New pdfInspektor4 CLI


BERLIN. With the new pdfInspektor4 CLI, callas soft­ware, the inven­tor of the pre­flight plug-in of Adobe Acrobat Professional, again set the stan­dard for the auto­mat­ed ver­i­fi­ca­tion of PDF files in the field of pro­fes­sion­al pre­press and deliv­ery. Just like its pre­de­ces­sor, pdfInspektor 3 CLI, the new pdfInspektor4 CLI uti­lizes the same under­ly­ing PDF check tech­nol­o­gy that is used at Adobe Systems. pdfInspektor4 CLI is based on the strong­ly enhanced PDF pre­flight ver­i­fi­ca­tion engine which already ren­ders its ser­vices in the lat­est Acrobat Professional 8 and which has been licensed by callas soft­ware to Adobe. pdfInspektor4 CLI will enter the mar­ket on March 1 at the Graphics of the Americas/Xplor Exhibition and Conference in Miami.

Once more, the func­tion­al­i­ty of the command-line mod­ule was greatly
enhanced: pdfInspektor4 CLI now also detects an acci­den­tal usage of dif­fer­ent names for the same spot col­ors, to name just one exam­ple, and there­fore avoids redun­dant sep­a­ra­tions or plates. pdfInspektor4 CLI also detects mis­matched ren­der­ings for one and the same spot col­or in PDF files, par­tic­u­lar char­ac­ter­is­tics of trans­par­ent objects such as the trans­paren­cy reduc­tion col­or space, or objects which are placed on invis­i­ble lay­ers and which are nor­mal­ly sup­pressed on print­outs. In addi­tion, extend­ed ver­i­fi­ca­tion fea­tures for hair­lines or prob­lem­at­ic fonts, a detailed analy­sis of XML meta­da­ta as well as an option to con­vert to PDF/A and PDF/X‑4 have been added.

Thus, pdfInspektor 4 CLI pro­vides print­ers, pub­lish­ers and media ser­vices the pos­si­bil­i­ty to check incom­ing PDF files for pro­duc­tion suit­abil­i­ty already at the file accep­tance stage. More than 800 indi­vid­ual prop­er­ties can be com­bined to check PDF files for their cor­re­spond­ing spe­cial usage before­hand and to quick­ly locate and rem­e­dy faults. Clear and read­i­ly under­stand­able ver­i­fi­ca­tion reports allow a fast iden­ti­fi­ca­tion of prob­lem­at­ic objects even with­in com­plex and exten­sive PDF files. Errors can be eas­i­ly visu­al­ized via dia­log box­es, com­ment­ed or shown on sep­a­rate layers.

The stan­dard PDF ver­i­fi­ca­tion tool can per­form a num­ber of application-dependent checks for the most diverse print­outs or the uti­liza­tion of PDF on the Internet. For data accep­tance and ver­i­fi­ca­tion, many com­pa­nies of the print and pub­lish­ing trade already favor the pdfInspektor CLI mod­ule. One of them is Leinfelden/ Echterdingen-based Konradin Druck from the Konradin Media Group, anoth­er is PrintOnline AG from Zurich, Switzerland, with their adver­tis­ing portal.

The serv­er license for pdfInspektor4 CLI costs EUR 2,499, the ASP vari­ant for use in online sys­tems costs EUR 4,999.

More infor­ma­tion about pdfInspektor4 CLI and pic­tures for down­load you will find at:


You can find fur­ther infor­ma­tion about callas soft­ware GmbH and its prod­ucts at:


About callas software:
callas soft­ware GmbH, Berlin, was found­ed by Olaf Drümmer in 1995 and spe­cial­izes in devel­op­ing PDF tech­nol­o­gy. Acrobat plug-ins, command- line tools and pro­gram­ming libraries of callas soft­ware check, cor­rect, color-convert, and opti­mize PDF files for print­ing and online pub­lish­ing, doc­u­ment man­age­ment, and archiv­ing. callas soft­ware tech­nolo­gies have been licensed by renowned man­u­fac­tur­ers such as Adobe, Helios, Hewlett Packard, Mitsubishi Paper Mills, and Xerox. callas soft­ware has been work­ing on devel­op­ing indus­tri­al stan­dards for more than five years and is active­ly involved in DIN, ISO, CIP4, the European Color Initiative, and the Ghent PDF Workgroup.