This Competition Has Ended and is No Longer Accepting Entries. View the Winning Entries Below.
Everyone knows that the last time postcards were used to promote software they weren’t exactly a stunning success. Quark VS thinks you can do better. At least, that’s what we keep telling everyone. If you can prove us right, your work might be featured on Quark VS and you could win your share of US$15,500 (approximate value) worth of some seriously cool stuff.
Our name may be Quark VS, but these twin contests are about showing appreciation—ours and yours—for QuarkXPress and InDesign. These contests are not about which one you don’t like; they’re about which one you do like, which one you can’t work without, and, hopefully, which one excites you. They are not about bashing the competition or proving which is better. And, this is not about the companies; it’s about the applications, each on its own merits, separate from the other.
This is about celebrating and honoring two incredible tools of our trade, tools that spare us from the grueling labor of hand-cutting ruby lithe and waxing up headlines, tools that save us from having to get real jobs.
The Competition
These are two separate, concurrently running design competitions, with separate and independent entries, winners, and prizes.
The “Celebrate InDesign Postcard Competition” from Quark VS is a design competition to create a marketing postcard positively promoting or featuring Adobe’s InDesign® product (version CS or CS2). The purpose and intent of the contest is to encourage creatives to have fun while supporting and celebrating InDesign. Each person or team may submit a single, two-sided postcard design in celebration of InDesign.
One winning design and two runners up (collectively “winners”) will be chosen from the qualifying entries to occupy First Place, First Runner-Up, and Second Runner-Up. The prizes listed below for each place will be awarded to the creators of the winning entries.
Qualifying is easy. All entrants must agree to the “Celebrate InDesign Postcard Competition” Official Rules and complete a registration form to accompany an original entry design that meets the following simple criteria. The entry must:
- Be an original design created by the entrant (an individual or team) solely for the purpose of entering this contest and cannot have been previously published or used for advertising or promotional purposes;
- Be relevant to its subject matter (InDesign CS or CS2);
- Not disparage or negatively portray any brand, including, but not limited to, Quark, Adobe, QuarkXPress, InDesign, Quark VS, or any persons or personalities associated with them;
- Free from profanity, vulgarity, and nudity;
- Adhere to the mechanical specifications below;
- And, of course, the entry must be from eligible entrants.
1st Place
Jeremy Schultz
Jeremy Schultz Artist
W DesMoines, IA
Click thumbnail to view actual size front and back (2.5mb PDF)
How long have you used InDesign?
Started using InDesign 1.5 in 2000
What is it about InDesign that makes you a passionate user?
QuarkXPress is a mediocre tool that has rested on its laurels for a decade. In contrast, InDesign has always had amazing layout tools and Adobe has continued to innovate and develop the application. That’s the attitude and commitment to excellence that I want in all the equipment I use in my business.
What inspired your winning design? How did it come about?
“Migrate” was inspired by a combination of things: the image of migrating butterflies, the notion of designers “migrating” to InDesign (Adobe uses the term “switching”), and the idea of using Photoshop to color the butterflies pink like the InDesign icon. Together they make a pretty powerful marketing statement that fits well with Adobe’s own message.
How was it created (software and versions), what techniques did you use?
Ironically, InDesign was never used during the process. I used only Photoshop CS2, and coloring the butterflies was done by using Color Range to select the orange in the monarchs’ wings, expanding the selection, then adding two layers:
Top: Red fill, Overlay layer mode, 50% white Inner Glow layer effect
Bottom: Magenta fill, Color layer mode, 50% white Inner Glow layer effect
The typeface is Myriad Pro, which is what Adobe uses on their packaging.
Tell us about your best design assignment. Include as much detail as you like (client name optional).
I created a photoillustration of Miller Lite bottles running at the Drake Relays track meet for Miller Brewing Company. It involved advanced Photoshop techniques that I don’t always have the opportunity to use, and the image was good enough to win last year’s Guru Award for Photo Retouching from the National Association of Photoshop Professionals.
Tell us about your worst design assignment. Include as much detail as you like (client name optional).
Early in my career I attracted a lot of bad clients. One in particular contracted me to design a website and she supplied me her logo only on a business card. I had to recreate it. The next day she calls up and wants me to give her the logo file so she can use it for all her materials, “and I figure it will only take you a half-hour to do so I’ll pay you $20.”
What’s next for you? Where do you want to go in your career?
Currently I’m a senior graphic designer for a publishing company, but after that I envision myself working as a freelancer and consultant, specializing in graphics for print and the web and working with clients who enjoy the design process and appreciate what design can do for their brand.
What is your dream assignment—a type of project or for a specific client or brand?
Working with Adobe on their branding and marketing of the Creative Suite. I love Adobe and their products because they mean so much to me and my colleagues, and to be able to shape how they are experienced by the design community would be an honor.
1st Runner-Up
Fly with InDesignCS
Bonnie Wetzel
Windsor, CT
Click thumbnail to view actual size front and back (2.5mb PDF)
How long have you used InDesign?
1.5 – 2 Years
What is it about InDesign that makes you a passionate user?
With InDesignCS I can make anything really, and the different tools it offers lets me work fast!
What inspired your winning design? How did it come about?
Truly feeling that I could really do something great and programs (InDesign) will help me get there! The piece is about designers discovering their true talents.
How was it created (software and versions), what techniques did you use?
InDesign CS. Pen tool for shapes, gradient fills, transparencies, placed pictures and type paths.
Tell us about your best design assignment. Include as much detail as you like (client name optional).
My sister’s wedding invitation, a logo and helping with table settings, programs and the whole bit!
Tell us about your worst design assignment. Include as much detail as you like (client name optional).
Some have started out as the worst but I like to think of them as reeeally interesting challenges ;)
What’s next for you? Where do you want to go in your career?
I’d like to have my own company someday(far from now) and publish a book that inspires designers.
What is your dream assignment—a type of project or for a specific client or brand?
A huge event, film festival or awards show! Something big with lots of collateral & media variety!
2nd Runner-Up
Vadim Litvak
easternBLOCK Design
San Francisco, CA
Click thumbnail to view actual size front and back (2.5mb PDF)
How long have you used InDesign?
Since 2003
What is it about InDesign that makes you a passionate user?
InDesign places a familiar interface to a powerful product that allows my creativity to flow from one project to another and every bit inbetween. Using other products in the Adobe Suite, I can seemlessly create whatever I need without breaking my concentration while jumping through programs whose interfaces could be significatly different and jarring.
What inspired your winning design? How did it come about?
Repetition is a necessary element to a solid creative and/or production workflow in the office. With that in mind, I set about to depict this notion by displaying one of the most consistent and repetitive elements I could think of: Nature! Discovering the Daisies image helped bring the overall layout together.
How was it created (software and versions), what techniques did you use?
Layout: InDesign CS 3.01
Image: Photoshop 7.0
Images: Big Daisies by g2010, Exclusive iStockphoto Photographer from
Fonts: Myriad Pro
Colorization technique (for that extra UMPH!): Fake Lomo Effect from here.
Tell us about your best design assignment. Include as much detail as you like (client name optional).
One of the most rewarding assignments I’ve had was working on the marketing materials for a young adult-oriented regular event at the San Jose Museum of Art.
While at my first agency gig, a coworker and I had the great opportunity to develop a strong relationship with the San Jose Institute of Contemporary Art, a small, not-for-profit art gallery which hired us to develop promotional materials for their openings and special events. These small postcard and poster projects led to SJMA contacting us to help them conceive a hip, exciting evening event to announce their extended hours and bring in more young people from the community.
After meeting with them, we quickly brainstormed some ideas for names (the event wasn’t even named yet!) and overall concepts for the identity. Walking back to the studio, we thought of the changing nature of the museum artwork, the movement associated with dance and performance (a feature of this new nightly party), and the energetic crowd our client was trying to appeal to. We realized that the museum was in a state of flux and so that became the name of the party – In Flux!
Now armed with a name, we were able to put the pieces together for an identity. We knew we wanted to keep elements of SJMA’s Pentagram-designed logo, specifically the quirky star, and we wanted the identity to embody movement. Inspired by Saul Bass’ work, we moved forward to develop a frenetic look and feel for In Flux
What’s next for you? Where do you want to go in your career?
I’m currently working as an in-house designer at a real estate agency. I enjoy the challenge of making the same assignments better each time through the use of my various tools, such as Adobe InDesign. With it, I can go from a one page listing flyer to a multi-page, multi-format interactive PDF with the confidence that InDesign can handle those demands and consitantly give me what I want and what my clients expect.
My next move will be to push my abilities with either a small agency or on my own as a freelance designer.
What is your dream assignment—a type of project or for a specific client or brand?
Wow! A dream assignment? Pretty much anything that lots of people see. I discovered awhile ago that one of the things that really, truly satisfies me as a designer is knowing that my work, or a project I’ve been involved in, is getting attention from hundreds and thousands of people.
The following prizes will be furnished to the winning entrant in each place.
First Place Winner
- 2 Copies of InDesign CS2 from Adobe
- InDesign CS2 Product Expert Support Contract (1 year) from Adobe
- 1‑Year Subscription to InDesign Magazine
- Real World InDesign CS signed by David Blatner
- 2‑Day Training Class of Choice by Sterling Ledet & Assoc.
- InEffects plug-in by ALAP
- Total Training for Adobe Photoshop CS2 by Total Training
- InEventScript plug-in by RogueSheep
- FlightCheck Professional by Markzware
- Extensis Portfolio 7 by Extensis
- Overset Manager plug-in by SoftCare
- Notes Manager plug-in by SoftCare
- Vol 3 Master Collection Graphic Design Templates CD by StockLayouts
First Runner-Up
- 2 Copies of InDesign CS2 from Adobe
- InDesign CS2 Product Expert Support Contract (1 year) from Adobe
- 4‑Disc Set of David Blatner’s InDesign CS videos from Software Cinema
- 1‑Year Subscription to InDesign Magazine
- Choice of Text Count or History plug-in by DTP Tools
- Overset Manager plug-in by SoftCare
- Notes Manager plug-in by SoftCare
- Commercial Press Template of choice by StockLayouts
Second Runner-Up
- InDesign CS2 from Adobe
- 1‑Year Subscription to InDesign Magazine
- EasyFlow plug-in by 65bit
- EasyHistory plug-in by 65bit
- 1‑Month Stock Photography Subscription to AbsolutVision
- Overset Manager plug-in by SoftCare
- Notes Manager plug-in by SoftCare
- Commercial Press Template of choice by StockLayouts
Quark VS sincerely thanks the companies and private parties who furnished prizes for their generous contributions. Each of these companies is committed to serving the graphic communications industries and their people, as plainly evidenced by their generosity. We hope you will support these companies and turn to them to answer your software, stock photography, news, and other needs.
Pariah would especially like to thank a few individuals in particular for their invaluable assistance in helping launch two concurrent contests on such short notice: Christy Siebler, Samuel John Klein, Cyndie Shaffstall, Michael Taylor, and a few others who have asked not to be embarrassed by being singled out—they know who they are, and Pariah hopes they realize how much he appreciates their help.
Adobe, Acrobat, InDesign, and their related logos and indicia are trademarks or Registered Trademarks of Adobe Systems, Inc.