Collaborating without Assignments, Part 1 of 3

If assign­ments have kept you from incor­po­rat­ing InCopy into your pub­lish­ing work­flow, don’t let them intim­i­date you. You don’t have to use assign­ments to ben­e­fit from using InCopy.

In this series of tips, we’ll show sev­er­al meth­ods to col­lab­o­rate effi­cient­ly in InCopy and InDesign with­out assignments.

Method 1:

Writers and edi­tors can ini­ti­ate new sto­ries in InCopy with­out involv­ing the design­er until the sto­ries are done or near­ly done. Just cre­ate and save InCopy doc­u­ments, and then deliv­er the doc­u­ments to design and pro­duc­tion via e‑mail or a serv­er inbox. From there, they can be flowed into InDesign as linked files. If an edi­tor updates the sto­ry, InDesign noti­fies the design­er; then a single-click with­in InDesign updates the sto­ry in the layout.

At all times, the InCopy sto­ries remain avail­able to the edi­to­r­i­al depart­ment, right up until the moment of final pub­li­ca­tion output.