Collect Images without Packaging

Using the Package fea­ture of InDesign (File > Package) is the ide­al way to close out a doc­u­ment. All the doc­u­men­t’s fonts, images, and oth­er linked assets are col­lect­ed in a cen­tral loca­tion, and the doc­u­ment updat­ed to point its links to that new loca­tion. Package deposits everything–including a new copy of the INDD doc­u­ment itself–into a new fold­er, ready for trans­port to the press or back up to CD, DVD, or tape. The INDD doc­u­ment is placed in one fold­er, all fonts in a Fonts sub­fold­er, and linked assets in a Links sub­fold­er. It does this every time you run the Package com­mand, which is near­ly always a won­der­ful­ly handy fea­ture to have.

But what do you do if you’ve added linked assets to a doc­u­ment that has already been pack­aged? Jules S. asked that very ques­tion on the LassoSoft InDesign Talk mail­ing list.

When I try to repack­age a doc­u­ment, it makes yet anoth­er fold­er. How do I get it to col­lect the new files from their orig­i­nal loca­tions and put them in the cur­rent Links folder?

The obvi­ous answer: Run Package again, col­lect­ing the doc­u­ment and its assets to yet anoth­er fold­er, and then go back and delete the first set of folders.

The bet­ter answer, how­ev­er, is to use a rel­a­tive­ly obscure fea­ture most peo­ple don’t know exists: Copy Links To.

Open the fly­out menu on the Links panel/palette. There you’ll find the Copy Links To com­mand. Execute the com­mand and InDesign will present you with a file sys­tem Browse for Folder dia­log box; pick the fold­er into which you’d like image copied (the afore­men­tioned Links fold­er, for instance), and click OK. InDesign will simul­ta­ne­ous­ly copy the linked assets to the new loca­tion and update links in the doc­u­ment to point to the new copies in the new location.

Select one or more entries in the Links pan­el before exe­cut­ing Copy Links To to lim­it the action to those spe­cif­ic assets, or run Copy Links To with­out pre-selecting Links pan­el entries to copy all linked assets.