Colorado Newspaper Company Selects Smart Connection Enterprise


DETROIT, Dec. 27 – One of Colorado’s old­est and most hon­ored week­ly news­pa­pers has select­ed WoodWing Software’s™ industry-leading Smart Connection Enterprise™ edi­to­r­i­al system.

The Gunnison Country Times™ is a local­ly owned 3,900-circulation week­ly locat­ed in Gunnison, a pop­u­lar ski­ing and hik­ing des­ti­na­tion in the cen­tral Rocky Mountains. Officials from the Gunnison Country Times recent­ly decid­ed to install Smart Connection Enterprise™ to help pro­duce their award-winning news­pa­per, which has been serv­ing the com­mu­ni­ty for more than 100 years.

We’re very pleased to have the Gunnison Country Times as part of the WoodWing fam­i­ly,” said Brian Kruger, CEO of WoodWing USA. “They’re an out­stand­ing pub­li­ca­tion with very high stan­dards, and when they explained to us what they were look­ing for in an edi­to­r­i­al sys­tem, we knew that Smart Connection Enterprise™ would be an excel­lent fit.”

Officials from the Gunnison Country Times said it was Enterprise’s pow­er and ver­sa­til­i­ty that most appealed to them.

The thing that attract­ed me was how flex­i­ble the WoodWing sys­tem was,” said Stephen J. Pierotti, Publisher of the Gunnison Country Times. “I look at it as a kit of parts. Because of the scal­able archi­tec­ture of Smart Connection Enterprise, they were able to design a sys­tem that per­fect­ly met our needs. That’s what sold me on the whole WoodWing package.”

In addi­tion to its news­pa­per, which is pub­lished every Thursday, the Gunnison Country Times also pub­lish­es some spe­cial­ty pub­li­ca­tions, includ­ing a Hunting Guide and Visitors Guide.

WoodWing offi­cials expect more pri­vate­ly owned news­pa­pers to join the Smart Connection Enterprise fam­i­ly now that WoodWing has become an approved PAGE Co-op sup­pli­er. PAGE Co-op is a non­prof­it coop­er­a­tive of 1,500 pri­vate­ly owned news­pa­pers in the United States. PAGE Co-op allows small­er news­pa­pers to join forces to get bet­ter deals on every­thing from newsprint to technology.

We’re an approved PAGE Co-op sup­pli­er now, which means more and more pri­vate­ly owned news­pa­pers will be able to take advan­tage of every­thing that WoodWing has to offer,” Kruger said. “This is a tremen­dous oppor­tu­ni­ty for news­pa­pers across the country.”

About WoodWing
Since 1997, WoodWing Software engi­neers have worked with the Adobe InDesign® engi­neer­ing team to devel­op plug-ins and solu­tions for Adobe InDesign® and InCopy®. WoodWing Software™ offers solu­tions, pro­duc­tiv­i­ty tools and plug-ins that make pub­lish­ing with these pro­grams faster, eas­i­er and much more effective.