Celebrate QuarkXPress and Celebrate InDesign Postcard Design Competitions entry submission deadlines extended two weeks--now open to Canadian and U.S. designers!
Arising from circumstances beyond the control of either Quark VS InDesign.com or the entrants, a number of would-be entrants in the “Celebrate QuarkXPress” and “Celebrate InDesign” design competitions were unable to submit their entries by the 2 May 2005 deadline.
Because Quark VS InDesign.com and these two concurrent design contests in particular focus so intently on fairness and appreciation for the tools of our craft, we have decided the most equitable course of action for all involved is to extend the deadline for entries an additional two weeks. During this time, we will resolve any outstanding issues with those affected by submission problems.
New Deadline
The new deadline for submission of entries in either competition is 11:59 pm Pacific Time, Monday, 16 May 2005.
Canadian Designers
This deadline extension provides an additional opportunity: We are very pleased to open both the “Celebrate InDesign Postcard Competition” and the “Celebrate QuarkXPress Postcard Competition” to residents of Canada (except Quebec and wherever else prohibited by law).*
For complete details on the “Celebrate InDesign Postcard Competition” and the “Celebrate QuarkXPress Postcard Competition,” visit the official contests page at http://QuarkVSInDesign.com/contests/ .
*Updated entry forms accommodating Canadian addresses will be available for download on 4 May 2005.