Convert Bullets and Numbers to Stylable Text

If you’ve got bul­let­ed and num­bered lists but want more con­trol over the appear­ance of the bul­lets or num­bers, con­vert them to nor­mal text.

To con­vert all instances of bul­lets or num­bers in a giv­en para­graph style to reg­u­lar text that you can style, click with­in an exam­ple to high­light the appro­pri­ate style on the Paragraph Styles palette, and then, from that palet­te’s fly­out menu, choose Convert [Your Style] Bullets & Numbering To Text.

Indents and tabs will be retained, but the bul­let or num­ber glyphs them­selves will become nor­mal para­graph text you can style like any oth­er glyph–dropcaps, under­lines, strikethroughs, char­ac­ter styles and so on.