Creative Suite 2 Announced

Initial Pricing and Shipping Information

Adobe InCopy CS 2

Creative Suite 2 Announced

Following the acci­den­tal ear­ly post­ing of the press release announc­ing Photoshop CS2, which hint­ed at coin­cid­ing announce­ments about new ver­sions of Adobe’s InDesign, Illustrator, GoLive, InCopy, and the Creative Suite itself, Adobe offi­cial­ly announced the new ver­sions at mid­night Eastern Time.

According to Adobe​.com: “Adobe® Creative Suite 2 Premium soft­ware is a uni­fied design envi­ron­ment that com­bines full new ver­sions of Adobe Photoshop® CS2, Illustrator® CS2, InDesign® CS2, GoLive® CS2, and Acrobat® 7.0 Professional soft­ware with new Version Cue® CS2, Adobe Bridge, and Adobe Stock Photos. Delivering the next lev­el of inte­gra­tion in cre­ative soft­ware, Adobe Creative Suite 2 enables you to real­ize your ideas any­where — in print, on the Web, or on mobile devices.”

The Premium ver­sion, which includes full ver­sions of Photoshop CS2, InDesign CS2, Illustrator CS2, GoLive CS2, Acrobat 7 Professional, and new tech­nolo­gies, Version Cue CS2, Adobe Bridge, and Adobe Stock Photos, is avail­able for pre-order for US$1,199.00–$30.00 less than the cur­rent ver­sion of Creative Suite Premium. Upgrades are avail­able at the rates of US$549.00 (from Creative Suite Premium 1.1 or ear­li­er), US$449.00 (from Creative Suite Premium 1.3), and US$749 from any ver­sion of Photoshop (stand­alone product).

Creative Suite 2 Standard edi­tion, which omits GoLive and Acrobat but retains the oth­er prod­ucts, is avail­able for $US899.00 ($100 less than the cur­rent ver­sion), with upgrades for US$349.00 from any pri­or ver­sion of Creative Suite, and US$499.00 from Photoshop.

Both ver­sions of Creative Suite 2, as well as the CS2 ver­sion stand­alone prod­ucts, will ship in May.