CS3 Ship Date Slips?

According to a Reuters news bul­letin pub­lished moments ago, Adobe CEO Bruce Chizen refined his March 2006 promise to ship Creative Suite 3 in the 2nd Quarter of 2007. Despite con­flict­ing announce­ments expect­ed from today’s Adobe Systems, Inc. fourth quar­ter fis­cal 2006 earn­ings con­fer­ence call with share­hold­ers, Reuters reports Chizen has hav­ing stat­ed that Adobe will ship “the biggest release in Adobe’s his­to­ry” at the end of 2Q2007, which could be as late as June 1.

The ini­tial release will be English ver­sions of Creative Suite 3 and CS3-versioned appli­ca­tions, with non-English lan­guage ver­sions expect­ed in the third fis­cal quarter.