Design Competition Prize Chests Growing

New additions raise contests' prize chest to $15,500 in products and services

On Monday we announced twin post­card design com­pe­ti­tions cel­e­brat­ing both QuarkXPress and InDesign. At that time, we had a prize chest between the con­tests val­ued at US$10,000. Almost instant­ly that val­ue was ren­dered too low.

Thanks to gen­er­ous con­tri­bu­tions by Adobe* (five copies of InDesign CS2 as well as two Expert Support Contracts to accom­pa­ny the First Place and First Runner-Up win­ning copies of InDesign CS2), InDesign Magazine (two addi­tion­al sub­scrip­tions), and X‑Ray Magazine (a 3‑year print sub­scrip­tion for the First Place win­ner), the prize chest end­ed the morn­ing up to $14,000 to be divid­ed amongst the six winners.

Today, the prizes get even sweet­er. Not only will the First Place win­ners each get new software–InDesign CS2 or QuarkXPress 6.5–but pre­mière soft­ware train­er Sterling Ledet & Associates (“SLA”) will also show them how to use their new soft­ware (or any oth­er pro­gram SLA teach­es) with 2‑days of free train­ing of the win­ners’ choic­es (either a free 2‑day class or a 2/3 dis­count on a 3‑day course).

All told, the prizes up for award are US$15,500!

We were excit­ed Monday morn­ing when we announced the two con­tests; now we’re jump­ing up and down with exhilaration!

As more and more prizes arrive at our offices, we can’t help but drool. We–and all of the com­pa­nies who have helped us with these two unprece­dent­ed contests–can’t wait to award all of these fab­u­lous prizes to the win­ners of the “Celebrate InDesign Postcard Competition” and the “Celebrate QuarkXPress Postcard Competition.” In a few weeks, we are going to make six tal­ent­ed design­ers very, very happy.

* Note: Adobe had been plan­ning to con­tribute prizes to the con­test since we first con­tact­ed them last week, but with the excite­ment of last week’s con­fer­ence and Creative Suite 2 announce­ment, key Adobe per­son­nel were unavail­able until Monday morning.