Designer Chooses InDesignCS2 to Create E-books

Digital art & design editor at chooses InDesignCS2 to create her line of e-books, gives tour to explain why.

When she decid­ed to cre­ate a series of e‑books com­pil­ing arti­cles on the site BellaOnline​.com into how-tos on dig­i­tal art, HTML, and PHP, Diane Cipollo, the sites dig­i­tal art and design edi­tor, eval­u­at­ed Microsoft Word â„¢ and Adobe InDesign CS2â„¢, decid­ing to go with InDesign as the aggre­ga­tor of choice.

The result­ing arti­cle offers a tour of many of the praise­wor­thy fea­tures of InDesign CS2: mas­ter pages, page and para­graph styles (and thi­er use in cre­at­ing tables-of-contents and index­es), Word doc­u­ment import (and the time saved with for­mat­ting pre­served), Photoshop lay­ers, anchored objects, Snippets, and PDF pre­sets and flight checking. 

It is par­tic­u­lar­ly infor­ma­tive design­er’s POV on how InDesign can be applied to a large task and empow­er the design­er to achieve effec­tive results.

Read the arti­cle Adobe InDesign CS2 Can Make the One-man, Self Publisher Look Like a Professional, by Diane Cipollo, here.