Digital Output On Quark vs. InDesign

In a very well bal­anced arti­cle Digital Output mag­a­zine weighs in on QuarkXPress vs. Adobe InDesign. Though noth­ing new to Quark vs. InDesign read­ers, the arti­cle is an inter­est­ing read if you ignore the occas­sion­al fac­tu­al flaw (for exam­ple: at one point a source is quot­ed has hav­ing “spent a cou­ple of years ‘play­ing with’ InDesign,” though she first acquired it with Adobe Creative Suite–released 11 months ago as of this writing).

On the InDesign perspective:

I think what ‘killed’ Quark was the delay in get­ting Quark 6 out,” said Matt Beals, direc­tor of pro­duc­tion and man­u­fac­tur­ing for Paizo Publishing LLC. “Once it was here, many peo­ple looked at it and said, “What the heck is this?” The 6.1 update seemed to fix some things. “Features like trans­paren­cy, supe­ri­or typo­graph­i­cal con­trols, PDF export, stricter adher­ence to spec­i­fi­ca­tion, script­ing, plug-ins and XML sup­port are what real­ly set InDesign apart. But the biggest fac­tor, I think, was who was on OS X first. And that was Adobe.” 

And, on the Quark perspective:

[C.D. Vann, own­er of Soho Graphics & Design in Milwaukee] agrees that there may be some ben­e­fit to being able to work simul­ta­ne­ous­ly in image-management soft­ware like Photoshop and a lay­out appli­ca­tion like InDesign, but “that lit­tle bit of a fea­ture is not a strong enough incen­tive to give up Quark,” she says. “For me, it’s not so much a mat­ter of whether one appli­ca­tion is bet­ter than the oth­er. It’s a mat­ter of my lev­el of com­fort with the Quark inter­face. And choos­ing to leave Quark and all I know and feel com­fort­able with – for, what I like to call, ‘a sec­ond of lazi­ness,’ when I click out of Quark and go into Photoshop for an image edit – well, it’s just not some­thing I’m will­ing to do.” 

Vann uses QuarkXPress 6.0, and says that cre­at­ing PDFs in this ver­sion is just as sim­ple as it is in InDesign: “You can make a PDF from Quark, too. They start­ed that with Quark 4.0. … It’s just a mat­ter of mak­ing sure your dis­tiller options are set cor­rect­ly. In ver­sion 5, it was even eas­i­er, and now, in 6.0, it’s just a mat­ter of hit­ting ‘File,’ ‘Export to PDF.’ It’s no big deal, and pret­ty much exact­ly like mak­ing a PDF in InDesign. I nev­er have to leave Quark to change or set my out­put settings.”