Do you offer open enrollment classroom training?

We do not offer open enroll­ment train­ing or main­tain our own pub­lic train­ing class­room. Our focus is on improv­ing real world cre­ative and pub­lish­ing workflows.

In an open enroll­ment set­ting, every stu­dent brings dif­fer­ent goals, needs, and skill lev­els into the class­room. When all three of those fac­tors vary–and they always vary in an open enroll­ment class–it becomes dif­fi­cult for an instruc­tor to ful­ly meet the goals and needs of every stu­dent while engag­ing each stu­dent. After a cer­tain num­ber of stu­dents it becomes impos­si­ble. For those with spe­cif­ic needs and goals, those with jobs and projects already, open enroll­ment edu­ca­tion achieves only a min­i­mal return on investment.

If you’re look­ing at an open enroll­ment class of 10 or more peo­ple not from the same work­flow, you should real­ize that no one with a job to do will walk away from that open enroll­ment class ful­ly pre­pared to work more cre­ative­ly and pro­duc­tive­ly in a spe­cif­ic work­flow. The train­ing com­pa­ny will be hap­py, though, because you will have learned just enough in the class to real­ize that you’d learn more in anoth­er class.

At Pariah Burke Training & Consulting we like repeat busi­ness as much as any ven­dor, but we’d rather spend your time and mon­ey by giv­ing you what you ask for the first time. That’s how we’ll earn your repeat business.