Do you offer Beginner, Intermediate, and Advanced courses?

Yes, and no. We teach peo­ple with all lev­els of expe­ri­ence, but we rarely use words like “begin­ner,” “inter­me­di­ate,” “101,” or “lev­el 2” to describe either the instruc­tion or the peo­ple learn­ing. We do use “advanced” just to help peo­ple with a lot of expe­ri­ence in a pro­gram iden­ti­fy the course out­lines built specif­i­cal­ly for them.

In for­mal, lin­ear edu­ca­tion such as a col­lege course, when one starts out with no knowl­edge of a tool and no spe­cif­ic goal oth­er than to learn the tool and then pro­gress­es toward mas­tery, draw­ing such dis­tinc­tions in skills and abil­i­ty lev­els makes sense. On the job, how­ev­er, with real world projects to com­plete and pay­ing clients to wow, all that mat­ters is being able to get work done cre­ative­ly, effi­cient­ly, and with min­i­mal con­fu­sion and frustration.

In the mid­dle of a project, rac­ing toward dead­line, no design­er has ever uttered the phrase: “Holy cow! I’ve just com­plet­ed an inter­me­di­ary lev­el InDesign task!”

Our instruc­tors teach your per­son­nel every­thing they need to do their jobs and reach your goals–be those so-called begin­ner, inter­me­di­ate, or advanced skills.