Drag N' Drop Table Cell Colors

Selecting indi­vid­ual table cells can be a chal­lenge for even the most nimble-wristed “Halo” mas­ter. When all you want to do is col­or (or tint) a table cell here or there, there’s no rea­son to twist and turn the cur­sor until you have it just at the cor­rect angle to select the cell. Instead, switch to the Selection Tool, and then drag a swatch from the Swatches palette over the cell and drop.

This trick also works straight from the Color palette. For those times when you don’t need to cre­ate a swatch just for a table cell shade, mix up the col­or on the Colors palette, and then drag and drop the pre­view swatch from that palette–either the fill or stroke swatch­es, either from in front or in back. Heck, you could even just drag and drop the fill or stroke swatch­es from the Tools palette!