Enfocus’ Free, Popular Enhancing Your PDF Workflow Seminar Series for Designers, Printers & Publishers Continue to be in Demand this Fall


Free Seminar Series Coming to Washington, D.C. & Seattle in September

Encino, CA – September 13, 2006 – Enfocus, the world leader in PDF qual­i­ty man­age­ment solu­tions for the graph­ic arts indus­try, announces fall dates for its pop­u­lar, free Enhancing Your PDF Workflow sem­i­nar series. Created for design­ers, print­ers and pub­lish­ers, the sem­i­nars are sched­uled for Washington, D.C. and Seattle, WA on September 26 and 28, respectively.

Initiated in 2005, the Enfocus sem­i­nar series has since trav­eled to over a dozen North American cities. Initially pro­duced as a sum­mer series for 2005 and 2006, the sem­i­nars have gar­nered wide­spread atten­tion and dates have been added, accordingly.

Presented by indus­try experts from Tools4Media Inc., Frank Loversky, pres­i­dent, and Matt Beals, work­flow con­sul­tant and pre­press train­er; these edu­ca­tion­al, free, full-day sem­i­nars will advise atten­dees on the best ways to stream­line PDF work­flows from start to fin­ish. Enfocus experts will also be on hand to pro­vide answers and demon­stra­tions for attendees.

Seminar Focus
Enhancing Your PDF Workflow cen­ters on improv­ing your cur­rent PDF work­flow, cre­at­ing flaw­less PDFs and under­stand­ing the lat­est in Certified PDFâ„¢ technology.

Enhancing Your PDF Workflow is ide­al for design pro­fes­sion­als, com­mer­cial print­ers, quick print­ers, and pub­lish­ers who are tired of hav­ing prob­lems work­ing with PDF files, and who want to improve their PDF work­flows. Attendees will learn how to:

  • Create a good, production-ready PDF
  • Identify and fix prob­lem PDF files
  • Effectively com­mu­ni­cate with busi­ness part­ners through­out the work­flow process
  • Learn Tips and Tricks using Adobe Acrobat 7 and Enfocus PitStop Professional
  • Speed up pro­duc­tion with Certified PDF technology
  • Automate the workflow

Enhancing Your PDF Workflow fall dates and loca­tions include:

  • Washington, D.C. – September 26 – Capital Hilton
  • Seattle, WA – September 28 – Hilton Bellevue

For more infor­ma­tion or to reg­is­ter to attend one of these sem­i­nars, go to: http://​www​.enfo​cus​.com/​r​o​a​d​s​h​ow.php or call 818–501-2380 x43. Seating is limited.

Frank Loversky, President, Tools4Media Inc.

Frank Loversky is the President of Tools4Media, Inc. which pro­vides prod­ucts and ser­vices that help media pub­lish­ers, com­mer­cial print­ers and ad agen­cies stream­line their oper­a­tions. Tools4Media is a Distributor, Value Added Reseller and Agent of and for com­pa­nies that pro­vide tools that ben­e­fit pub­lish­ers, com­mer­cial print­ers and ad agencies.

Frank Loversky holds a Bachelor of Science in Applied Mathematics from the University of California at Davis. He has 20 years of expe­ri­ence in pub­lish­ing, con­tent man­age­ment and pre­press sys­tems. He has held the titles of System Engineer, Project Manager, Product Manager, Sales Manager and President for System Integrators, Inc., Atex Media Solutions, Inc. and SAXoTECH Inc.

Matt Beals, work­flow con­sul­tant and pre­press train­er, Tools4Media Inc.

Matt Beals has been involved in the print­ing indus­try for the last six­teen years. Most recent­ly, he served as pre­press man­ag­er and direc­tor of pro­duc­tion for a mag­a­zine pub­lish­er in the Seattle area.

His expe­ri­ences include ser­vice bureau out­put, pre­flight­ing in com­mer­cial print­ing envi­ron­ments, and man­u­fac­tur­ing process improve­ments through work­flow. He is a major pro­po­nent of PDF based work­flows, using such tools as Enfocus PitStop Professional and Certified PDF. Recent con­sult­ing clients include the State of Nevada, Vance Publishing and BIC Graphic as well as oth­er small and medi­um sized print­ers and pub­lish­ers. He has spo­ken about PDF based work­flows at indus­try events such as Seybold Seminars and IPA Technical Conferences.

About Enfocus

Enfocus is a lead­ing brand in PDF and pro­duc­tion automa­tion tech­nol­o­gy. From start to fin­ish, Enfocus is essen­tial to design­ers, print­ers and pub­lish­ers who want to work in a tru­ly reli­able, auto­mat­ed pro­duc­tion environment.

Universally acclaimed tech­nolo­gies, prod­ucts and ser­vice inno­va­tions include Certified PDF®, Instant PDF, Instant Barcode, PitStop Professional, PitStop Server, PitStop Automate, StatusCheck and www​.CertifiedPDF​.net. Enfocus goes beyond pre­flight, deliv­er­ing unmatched PDF cre­ation, auto-correction, advanced edit­ing and pro­duc­tion automa­tion to guar­an­tee accu­rate exchange and pre­cise PDF out­put. Enfocus picks up where oth­er prod­ucts leave off with fea­tures and capa­bil­i­ties that bridge every crit­i­cal gap in pro­fes­sion­al graph­ic arts pro­duc­tion environments.

Through a com­pre­hen­sive tech­nol­o­gy part­ner pro­gram, Enfocus tech­nolo­gies are avail­able to 3rd par­ty devel­op­ers. Major sup­pli­ers such as Agfa, Artwork Systems, Creo PODS, Kodak, EFI, Fujifilm, Global Graphics, Heidelberg, Xerox, Screen, Quad/Graphics, Vio and Xitron have inte­grat­ed Enfocus tech­nolo­gies into their own PDF work­flow sys­tem offerings.

Go to www​.enfo​cus​.com to dis­cov­er more about Enfocus and the com­pre­hen­sive solu­tions graph­ic arts pro­fes­sion­als through­out the world rely on.

Enfocus is an Artwork Systems Brand.