Enfocus Products to Support Adobe Acrobat 8


Enfocus, an Artwork Systems brand, is ready­ing its Adobe Acrobat 8 com­pat­i­ble ver­sions of its full prod­uct line, includ­ing the indus­try’s most pop­u­lar PDF plug-in, PitStop Professional. Though the improve­ments offered in the most recent release of Acrobat are com­mend­able, indus­try experts agree that addi­tion­al func­tion­al­i­ty is required to ful­ly sup­port a graph­ic arts workflow.

Globally rec­og­nized pub­lish­ing tech­nol­o­gy and process con­sul­tant, David Zwang, says, “Using PitStop Profiles and Action Lists are still the best way to check and fix almost any PDF that finds its way into your pro­duc­tion work­flow. PitStop Professional is a must have for any PDF pro­duc­tion work­flow, and PitStop Server is the best way to ensure that when large vol­umes of pages make their way through your process, they are ready to RIP.”

Why Acrobat 8 Alone Isn’t Enough for Graphic Arts
Enfocus’ award win­ning soft­ware tools, with over 100,000 instal­la­tions world­wide, con­tin­ue to be the best solu­tions for achiev­ing PDF qual­i­ty con­trol through flaw­less cre­ation, pro­cess­ing, and trace­abil­i­ty. Enfocus PitStop Professional, unsur­passed in its pow­er to edit PDF files, in par­tic­u­lar, keeps the PitStop prod­uct line essen­tial to pub­lish­ing pro­duc­tion. Tight dead­lines, cou­pled with the need for last minute changes, man­date use of a com­pre­hen­sive, reli­able edi­tor. Whether per­form­ing a text edit or adjust­ing a price, Enfocus PitStop’s text edit­ing and out­lin­ing fea­tures will save the time and effort of re-creating the file.

Enfocus prod­ucts sup­port­ing Acrobat 8 will also expand the advan­tages of the prod­uct line’s Certified PDF, and Certified PDF Automation, functionality.

Traceability – the abil­i­ty to trace mod­i­fi­ca­tions to files through­out pro­duc­tion cycles – is key to process effi­cien­cy and is core to Enfocus Certified PDF, mak­ing oth­er­wise view-only PDFs into pro­duc­tion files with a com­plete his­to­ry and lifecycle.

Preflight, a stan­dard process in most graph­ic arts work­flows, is alone not enough to achieve high­est qual­i­ty and effi­cien­cy. Enfocus PitStop Professional goes beyond pre­flight to deliv­er cus­tomiz­able pre­flight reports giv­ing users a clear, straight­for­ward overview of file sta­tus using easy-to-understand mes­sages. Navigating to prob­lem areas, or link­ing to a more com­plete descrip­tion of what an error mes­sage means, requires only a sin­gle mouse click.

PitStop Professional is a Cornerstone of Certified PDF Automation
In the graph­ic pro­duc­tion process, reli­able repro­duc­tion is vital. It’s there­fore crit­i­cal that all part­ners in the pro­duc­tion cycle can prop­er­ly han­dle files. Today, the largest mag­a­zine and news­pa­per pub­lish­ers and print­ers across Europe and the United States rely on Enfocus’ Certified PDF tech­nol­o­gy to insure this reli­able and accu­rate exchange.

In Enfocus PitStop Professional for Acrobat 8
Building a page from mul­ti­ple PDFs will be sim­pli­fied with the Place PDF fea­ture, a func­tion spe­cial­ly request­ed by pre­press and ad agency pro­fes­sion­als. The new Navigator allows the user to iden­ti­fy and inter­ac­tive­ly cor­rect errors report­ed in pre­flight more eas­i­ly than before. Time-consuming repair of com­mon errors can be auto­mat­ed with new­ly redesigned Global Change and Action List fea­tures. The com­pa­ny will announce addi­tion­al fea­ture enhance­ments clos­er to prod­uct availability.

We’ve accel­er­at­ed the pace at which we are able to bring the most cur­rent ver­sions to the mar­ket­place,” Patrick van Dam, Enfocus Executive Vice President, Worldwide Sales & Marketing, says. “As proven by our track record of quick­ly sup­port­ing each upgrade of Adobe Acrobat, when our cus­tomers choose to install the newest ver­sion, our prod­ucts will be there and ready to sup­port them.”

Release of Adobe Acrobat 8 com­pat­i­ble ver­sions of all PitStop-based prod­ucts, includ­ing PitStop Professional, PitStop Server, and PitStop Automate, is antic­i­pat­ed with­in 90 days of Adobe’s Acrobat release date. In addi­tion, free upgrades will be avail­able to cur­rent cus­tomers, depend­ing on their time of purchase.

About Enfocus
Enfocus is a lead­ing brand in PDF and pro­duc­tion automa­tion tech­nol­o­gy. From start to fin­ish, Enfocus is essen­tial to design­ers, print­ers and pub­lish­ers who want to work in a tru­ly reli­able, auto­mat­ed pro­duc­tion environment.

Universally acclaimed tech­nolo­gies, prod­ucts and ser­vice inno­va­tions include Certified PDF®, Instant PDF, Instant Barcode, PitStop Professional, PitStop Server, PitStop Automate, StatusCheck and www​.CertifiedPDF​.net. Enfocus goes beyond pre­flight, deliv­er­ing unmatched PDF cre­ation, auto-correction, advanced edit­ing and pro­duc­tion automa­tion to guar­an­tee accu­rate exchange and pre­cise PDF out­put. Enfocus picks up where oth­er prod­ucts leave off with fea­tures and capa­bil­i­ties that bridge every crit­i­cal gap in pro­fes­sion­al graph­ic arts pro­duc­tion environments.

Through a com­pre­hen­sive tech­nol­o­gy part­ner pro­gram, Enfocus tech­nolo­gies are avail­able to 3rd par­ty devel­op­ers. Major sup­pli­ers such as Agfa, Artwork Systems, Kodak, EFI, Fujifilm, Global Graphics, Heidelberg, Xerox, Screen, Quad/Graphics, Vio and Xitron have inte­grat­ed Enfocus tech­nolo­gies into their own PDF work­flow sys­tem offerings. 

Go to www​.enfo​cus​.com to dis­cov­er more about Enfocus and the com­pre­hen­sive solu­tions graph­ic arts pro­fes­sion­als through­out the world rely on.