Extract All Images from a PDF at Once

Recently I explained how to exact a sin­gle image from a PDF so that the image could be reused in oth­er appli­ca­tions. That method is ide­al when you need only an image here and there, but if you need more than a hand­ful of images seem­ing­ly locked away inside a PDF, it’s bet­ter to batch the extraction.

In Acrobat Professional, choose the menu com­mand Advanced > Document Processing > Export All Images. You’ll be pre­sent­ed with a save-style dia­log box enti­tled Export All Images As. Be care­ful not to blithe­ly click the Save but­ton out of habit! Acrobat will export all the images in the PDF as the same file type; by default, they’ll all be medi­um qual­i­ty JPEGs, which is prob­a­bly not what you want–at least, not if you’re a designer.

Rather than hit­ting Save at this point, look at the options in the Save as Type drop­down menu. Your choice is to save all images as JPEGs, PNGs, TIFFs, or JPEG2000s. And, each of those file for­mats has its own unique qual­i­ty, col­or man­age­ment, and oth­er options you can set. Click the Settings but­ton to change those options. Figure 1, for exam­ple, shows the options avail­able when sav­ing images as TIFFs. You can set the indi­vid­ual com­pres­sion type for mono­chrome (black and white), grayscale, and col­or images, choose col­or man­age­ment poli­cies, and set the col­or­space and res­o­lu­tion for all images.

2007-10-05 Bat Tip

[Click image to zoom.] Figure 1. Options for export­ing all graph­ics in the PDF as TIFF images.

Pay spe­cial atten­tion to the last option in the dia­log, Exclude Images Smaller Than. Any graph­ics in the doc­u­ment small­er than the size you spec­i­fy in that drop­down field will not be export­ed. If you need, say, icon-sized images from a tech­ni­cal doc­u­ment PDF, you’ll prob­a­bly want to set Exclude Images Smaller Than to “No Limit”.

Once your options are set, click OK on the set­tings dia­log, and then Save in the Export All Images As dia­log. It might take a few min­utes, but Acrobat will export all the images in the doc­u­ment to the loca­tion you choose. Then those images are ready for reuse in anoth­er application.

Of course, you should­n’t reuse images from a PDF unless you have per­mis­sion to do so from the PDF cre­ator and/or copy­right holder(s).