Extract an Image from a PDF

Have you ever want­ed to extract an image from a PDF and get it into Photoshop, Illustrator, or some­where else? It’s a com­mon enough need. For exam­ple, small­er clients of graph­ic design­ers often have dif­fi­cul­ty track­ing down high-resolution or resolution-independent ver­sions of their logos, leav­ing a design­er scour­ing through the clien­t’s pre­vi­ous­ly pub­lished mate­r­i­al in search of a suit­able copy of the logo. More often than not, the design­er will redraw the logo or attempt to use a low-resolution ver­sion from the clien­t’s web­site. If you have access to a PDF fea­tur­ing the clien­t’s logo, there’s a bet­ter way: extract the image from the PDF.

  1. In Acrobat, look for the Selection tool on the Select and Zoom tool­bar. Like most Adobe appli­ca­tions, the Selection tool is a black arrow and can be accessed by press­ing the key­board short­cut V (if you’ve re-enabled single-key short­cuts).
  2. With the Selection tool, click once on the image you need. The entire image will high­light when it’s prop­er­ly selected.
  3. Right-click (CTRL-click on single-button Mac mice) on the high­light­ed image and choose Copy Image to copy the graph­ic to the clip­board or Save Image As to write it back to disk as a stand­alone file.

Now you can bring the image into Photoshop, Illustrator, InDesign, QuarkXPress, or wher­ev­er you need it.