Fix Tool Keyboard Shortcuts

A long time ago, in a val­ley far, far away, Adobe Acrobat had one-button key­board short­cuts to com­mon tools. Much like cousins Photoshop, Illustrator, InDesign, and most oth­er Adobe appli­ca­tions, press­ing H on the key­board acti­vat­ed the Hand Tool in Acrobat, Z the Zoom Tool, and so on. No longer. Now, in Acrobat ver­sions 6 and 7, Standard, Professional, or Reader, press­ing H, Z, I, T, V, and all the rest do noth­ing. Nada. Zip. Bupkiss.

If you want the Select Tool (for select­ing text to copy with­in a PDF), you must select it from the col­or­ful tool­bar. Other tools… Well, Acrobat has many, many tool­bars, with most hid­den in the default install.

Fortunately, there is a sim­ple way to restore the single-button short­cuts to acti­vate the most com­mon Acrobat tools. In Preferences (CMD+K/CTRL+K), go to the General pane and check Use Single-Key Accelerators to Access Tools. Fixed. Now all the famil­iar short­cuts work, and the val­ley is safe from need­less, Carpal Tunnel-inducing trips to tool­bars after trips to nest­ed menus to show those toolbars.