Free Keyboard Shortcuts Plug-in for InDesign and InCopy CS3


Screen cap­ture of the Keyboard Shortcuts pan­el in action.

Our friends over at DTP Tools, who teamed up with me to cre­ate the PageControl plug-in for InDesign and InCopy, got togeth­er with our oth­er friends at InDesignSecrets​.com. Their col­lab­o­ra­tion result­ed in a cool new plug-in for InDesign CS3 and InCopy CS3 that puts key­board short­cuts with­in easy reach on a float­ing panel.

Every InDesign pow­er user knows the best way to be real­ly effi­cient in this pro­gram is to use key­board short­cuts,” not­ed David Blatner, InDesign guru and co-founder of InDesignSecrets​.com. “But it’s always been a has­sle to find or change key­board short­cuts in InDesign. This plug-in makes it easy.”

Key fea­tures of the Keyboard Shortcuts plug-in include:

  • Use a dynam­ic search field to quick­ly find which key­board short­cut is assigned to each feature.
  • “Reverse lookup” to find which fea­ture is asso­ci­at­ed with the short­cut you press.
  • Quickly add/remove shortcuts.
  • Add/delete cus­tom short­cut sets.
  • Export your cus­tom short­cut sets to share with others.
  • Filter out hun­dreds of com­mands with no cur­rent shortcut.
  • Get imme­di­ate feed­back on which cus­tom short­cut set is active.

Keyboard Shortcuts is avail­able as a free down­load from http://​www​.dtp​tools​.com/kbsc . The plug-in is com­pat­i­ble with InDesign CS3 and InCopy CS3 run­ning on either Mac OSX or Windows.