Getting InCopy Stories Back to MS Word

Replacing Word with InCopy may have rev­o­lu­tion­ized your office’s work­flow, but odds are not all of your clients, part­ners, ven­dors, or free­lancers have yet seen the light. How can you work with col­lab­o­ra­tors still on Word? Easily.

Turn InCopy sto­ries into a for­mat Word users can read. Select File > Export. In the Export dia­log that appears, choose Rich Text Format from the Save As Type drop­down menu. Rich Text Format (RTF) files are the basis for Microsoft Word .DOC files, and Word reads and writes RTF. Equally impor­tant, RTF will pre­serve all your sto­ry’s formatting–fonts, sizes, para­graph spac­ing, bold, ital­ics, and so on–so that the Word user sees–and sends back to you–a ful­ly for­mat­ted sto­ry. Even para­graph and char­ac­ter styles are saved in the RTF!

Of course, when it’s time for the sto­ry to come back to you, your col­lab­o­ra­tor can resave the RTF or cre­ate a Word DOC–InCopy will open either.